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Restime Drops

What is Colic/Kabag?

Iyak ng iyak
Iyak ng iyak
Pag-iyak ng walang dahilan
Pag-iyak ng walang dahilan
Matigas, tunog tambol ang tiyan
Matigas, tunog tambol ang tiyan
Malamig na mga kamay at paa
Malamig na mga kamay at paa

Causes of Kiddie Kabag

Fast eating and gulping
Fast eating and gulping

Restlessness and constant activity
Restlessness and constant activity

Increased soda and juice intake
Increased soda and juice intake

Eating fatty and oily food
Eating fatty and oily food

Restime to the Rescue!

Works directly by removing trapped excess gas from the baby's stomach
Works directly by removing trapped excess gas from the baby's stomach

No reported side effects
No reported side effects

Relieves mommy from anxiety, worry and stress due to their baby's colic
Relieves mommy from anxiety, worry and stress due to their baby's colic

 Yummy strawberry flavour
Yummy strawberry flavour