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Flavored Electrolyte Drink


Flavored Electrolyte Drink

HydroAid® is a flavored ready-to-drink electrolyte drink that is available in Apple and Grape flavors to be used in conditions when there is loss of water and electrolytes.

Flavored Electrolyte Drink


Directions for Use

For children 1 year old and above and adults: Begin with small frequent sips every 15 minutes and increase the serving size as tolerated.

Warning: This product is not intended for infants under 1 year old unless recommended by a doctor.

Storage Conditions

Refrigerate after opening. Discard remaining solution after 24 hours upon opening. Store at temperatures not exceeding 25oC.

Keep the product out of sight and reach of children.


Service Size: 250 mL

No. of serving(s) per container: 1

Amount per Serving   % RENI
Energy, kcal 13.6 -
Total fat (g) 0 -


Carbohydrates (g)

          Dextrose (g)

3.4 1%
Sodium (mg) 431 86%
Potassium (mg) 195 10%
Chloride (mg) 576 77%
Citrate (mg) 473 -

RENI, Recommended Energy and Nutrient Intake for Filipinos, 2015 edition

-, No RENI value

Reference age: Adults, 19-29 years old

INGREDIENTS: Water, Dextrose, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Malic Acid (acidity regulator), Artificial Flavor and Sucralose (sweetener).