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Read about the benefits of vitamin C here

Vitamin B Complex and C

Reasons Why You Need Vitamin C Every Day

Discover how Vitamin C and its benefits help minimize downtimes and boost your do-times.

woman jumping high

When you get to do more of your passions like working out, traveling, or playing your favorite sports, it can feel very fulfilling. But it can also be very demanding for the body. That’s why it might be beneficial to take a vitamin c supplement. This essential nutrient helps support your body’s recovery and maintain energy levels, allowing you to carry your daily tasks and enjoy your adventures fully.

Vitamin C and Its Benefits

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps strengthen the body’s immune system against common illnesses. But there’s more to it than just a health booster. Read on to find out more about how Vitamin C helps you stay healthy, energized and happy every day.

woman playing in the rain

Immunity Boost: Less Downtimes, More Do-Times

While you may see yourself as healthy and strong, it’s important to recognize that you’re not invincible. There could be moments when your body feels more vulnerable, and that’s okay! Because the good news is: you can take the necessary steps to support your health and give your immune system the boost it needs. Alongside a balanced diet and regular exercise, adding supplements to your routine can make a big difference.

On top of that, there’s no need for anything complicated—you can help strengthen your immunity with the help of a balanced diet and Vitamin C supplementation. This essential vitamin plays a vital role in helping your body produce lymphocytes and phagocytes, two types of white blood cells that act as the body’s personal defense team. Lymphocytes recognize harmful invaders, while phagocytes fight them off. Together, they strengthen your body’s defense against sickness, making it more capable of handling whatever comes its way.

So, whether you’re powering through a busy work week or want to keep your health on track, pack Vitamin C on the go! 

man jogging

Bone Health: Stronger Every Day

Go beyond your usual routine—explore new places and try new activities. To do this, you need to keep your bones in check!

Vitamin C is often known for boosting energy and immunity, but it also helps maintain bone density, which is essential for staying active and mobile. Taking Vitamin C may also decrease the risk of bone fracture. 



Eye Health: Set Your Sights on the Goal

Work and play keep you balanced, but what about your eyes? Long hours in front of the computer for work, countless checks on your phone for updates, and those marathon gaming sessions on your rest days all add up. 

While Vitamin C can't completely stop the natural changes your eyes go through as you age, it can help support eye health and potentially slow down those changes. Vitamin C helps maintain and form connective tissues, including the eye’s cornea, and aids in keeping the delicate capillaries in the retina healthy.
 So, give your eyes the care they deserve, because they work as hard as you do. 


woman in good mood

Mood Boost: This Way Up

Bad news, tiring days, and even moments of inactivity can unexpectedly weigh you down, leaving you feeling stressed and drained. It's not uncommon to feel fatigued, irritable, or even experience a low mood after a long day at work. Additionally, there are times when such low energy makes it hard to find motivation or joy during the day. 

Interestingly, Vitamin C might offer some relief. Research suggests that individuals with lower-than-normal Vitamin C levels often experience mood improvements after taking such supplements. By boosting your Vitamin C intake, you may help lift your spirits, aid in reducing feelings of stress, and improve your overall mood. Taking care of your mental well-being is just as important as taking care of your physical health, and sometimes, small steps like keeping your Vitamin C level in check can make a big difference.

Couple Working out

Iron Absorption: Pumped Up for More

Are you more focused on building a strong chest, sculpting powerful legs, or aiming for a complete physique transformation? Whatever your fitness goals are, it's great that you're taking care of yourself. And of course, to achieve those body goals, you need iron—an essential nutrient for creating and transporting oxygen throughout your body. However, after an intense workout, your iron levels can drop since your muscles demand more during exercise. That's where Vitamin C comes in. It helps in boosting the absorption of non heme (iron found in plant-based foods) by converting it into a more absorbable form. This can help prevent or alleviate iron deficiency anemia, a condition characterized by fatigue and weakness due to low iron levels.

Give recovery a push and stay on track with your fitness journey.

An Addition to Your Daily Routine
Now that you've read the benefits, it might be time to invest in Vitamin C supplements. If you are looking for a supplement near you, consider the All New, Best Ever Multivitamins + Zinc (Enervon Z+)

This supplement which contains Vitamin C and essential B vitamins—B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 is now enhanced with Zinc and Vitamin E. Multivitamins + Zinc (Enervon Z+) helps give more healthy energy along with providing more layers of defenses thanks to the powerful antioxidant properties of Zinc, Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate), and Vitamin E. With these antioxidants, Multivitamins + Zinc (Enervon Z+) help shield and protect the body from viruses and illnesses.  It also helps prevent progression of sickness and aids the body to recover faster.  

Learn more about Multivitamins + Zinc (Enervon Z+) here.

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