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Why You Should Always Keep Paracetamol at Home


Why You Should Always Keep Paracetamol at Home

Paracetamol is one of the most reliable over-the-counter drugs that should be included in every medicine cabinet.

The medicine cabinet is probably the most overlooked area in your house, but its contents play a crucial role when a medical emergency strikes. Though they don’t offer a prized cure for common illnesses, it doesn’t mean that they can’t provide the relief you need. That is why it pays to have popular medicines within your reach. Over-the-counter drugs like paracetamol are definite must-haves in your medicine cabinet.

First things first: A first aid kit

Does your medicine cabinet come with a first aid kit? Aside from medicines, make sure you have first-aid items that are necessary for treating cuts, burns and grazes. Basically, first aid kits should come with bandages, plasters, gauze pads, cloth tape, tweezers and scissors. Don’t forget to throw in an antiseptic ointment that you can use for open wounds. The American Red Cross also suggests having a thermometer inside the kit.

Must-have meds

If you’re figuring out what medicines to keep in your home, you only need to remember the common ailments that are likely to bother you at any given time. Get rid of the itching when you have allergies by taking antihistamines or anti-rash topical ointments. Antacids are useful when you have to deal with symptoms of heartburn after a food-tripping session. For bouts with diarrhea, you can’t go wrong with loperamide and oral rehydration salts. For that nasty headache or burdensome fever, there’s paracetamol to help you out.

All about paracetamol

Analgesics give welcome relief from indications like pain, headache and fever. You don’t have to choose which pain reliever is the best in the market. Paracetamol gets the nod of doctors because for most people. Not a lot of medicines can be taken by pregnant women, but this type of analgesic is one of them.

To avoid side effects to worry about, as long as you follow the correct dosage found on the label. Moreover, taking it without having a bite to eat is perfectly fine because it will not upset your stomach.

The paracetamol you can trust

What you may be worried about is mixing paracetamol and alcohol, right? England’s National Health Service can put your mind at ease—it is usually safe to take over-the-counter pain relievers if you consume moderate amounts of alcohol. This is important to remember the next time you go out for drinks on a Friday night.

One vital point to emphasize here is that remember to buy only the real deal as there were recent reports of fake medicines in the local market. Counterfeit medicines are not effective, and they can be harmful as well. Buy from FDA-accredited drug stores only. The Department of Health offers a website for Drug Price Watch for your guidance.

Filipinos are lucky to have a trusted brand of paracetamol like Paracetamol (Biogesic), a go-to medicine made by a trusted company for 60 years. It’s no surprise that more people trust Paracetamol (Biogesic) than any other pain reliever. Thus, make sure you have a steady supply of it in your medicine cabinet for fast relief of headache and fever.

Paracetamol is the generic name of Biogesic. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.


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