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Beat Post-workout Muscle Pain

Beat Post-workout Muscle Pain

Be in charge of your active lifestyle by overcoming the muscle pain that comes with it.

Working out to stay healthy doesn’t mean you have to live with post-workout muscle pain, especially when there’s a way to relieve it. Whether you’re doing the workout routine at the gym, outdoors, or inside your home, that amazing rush of endorphins or “post-workout high” is the feel-good reward for starting and maintaining an exercise routine.  
On the flip side, these good vibes can be quickly diminished by post-workout muscle pain, which usually happens if you’re an exercise newbie or if you’ve pushed yourself a little too far. As the old saying goes: “No Pain, No Gain” — but that doesn’t mean you have to accept muscle pain as part of the deal in order to maintain your active lifestyle. 
Muscle pain after any physical activity is technically known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or DOMS. It is caused by microscopic tears in the muscles that begins to set in 6 to 8 hours after exercise. This is why even the simple things like going down the stairs or sitting down can be a real pain for you. 
But, there’s no need to endure post-workout muscle pain. Here are some pain management tips you can do:

But first, warm up
Physically, this helps by evenly increasing blood circulation and heart rate while loosening the joints and increasing blood flow to muscles. Mentally, it prepares you for the workout. 
Give your body time to adapt
Don’t rush yourself into doing that new workout routine or any high intensity workout. Start a new routine slowly then increase resistance levels and reps as your body adjusts to it. 
Keep your tank full
You lose electrolytes during exercise and this can make your muscles sore. Make sure to hydrate before, during, and after your workout to avoid muscle pain caused by dehydration. 
Take a pain reliever medicine
Pain relievers work by addressing the pain at its source. For days when pausing and slowing down is not an option, do you still have time to re-apply topicals? Take Ibuprofen + Paracetamol (ALAXAN® FR). It has Fast Relief formula that works in as fast as 15 minutes against body pain. It is also doctor-prescribed as it helps relieve body pain fast. 
Lastly, in case of temporary muscle pain without swelling, rest and allow the painful area to recover in order to prevent damage. 
Now that you know how to deal with post-workout muscle pain, nothing can stop you from staying active. Even after a day of working out, you can still do what you need to do and take over your day, your way. 
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.  
ASC Reference Code: U148P061121AS 



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