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COVID-19: What’s Next?

COVID-19: What’s Next?

Based on current trends, WHO noted that the potential end of the pandemic can happen by the end of 2023.

In December 2019, a novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 struck the world, leading to an outbreak of COVID-19. It turned out to be an infectious disease that primarily triggers respiratory symptoms, but can also attack other parts of the body.

By March 12, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. Since then, there have been over four million confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Philippines. More than 65,000 of these cases led to deaths.

COVID-19: A Look Back

Vaccine Developments

By December 2020, the first COVID-19 vaccine received an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the US Food and Drug Administration. This type of authorization allows the use of unregistered vaccines and drugs during a public health emergency. In the Philippines, nine vaccine brands were initially given EUA by the government. Vaccine development typically takes 10 years. COVID-19 vaccines, however, underwent an accelerated development wherein the steps were done in parallel rather than in sequence.

The Vital Role of Pharmacists in COVID-19 Management and Prevention

Healthcare professionals, including pharmacists, have played pivotal roles throughout the course of the pandemic. Outside of their role in dispensing medicine, pharmacists have also been essential in vaccination efforts.

Immunizing pharmacists had to undergo a certification program before they were allowed to perform vaccination. The program encompasses four levels of training, as well as a post-test and an assessment. Certified immunizing pharmacists have been essential in the government’s Resbakuna sa Botika program, an initiative that placed vaccination drives in selected pharmacies across the country in an effort to make it more convenient for the public.

By January 2023, around 66.3 percent of the Philippine population, or roughly 73.9 million people, have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

COVID-19: What’s Next

Now that physical gatherings and travel are permitted given vaccination compliance and observance of minimum public health standards, COVID-related research has shifted focus from mere prevention to finding treatment that could potentially help diminish fatalities in COVID-19 cases.

Available COVID-19 Treatment

Several antiviral treatments were discovered to have positive effects on COVID-19 patients. These medications work by targeting the virus to stop it from creating copies of itself in the body, thus preventing the illness from worsening.

For mild to moderate cases in adults, doctor-prescribed treatment such as Bamlanivimab, Etesevimab, Casirivimab, Imdevimab, and Molnupiravir are being used abroad. Remdesivir and Dexametasone, on the other hand, are being used for moderate to severe cases. Remdesivir is also often used among pediatric COVID cases. Locally, the FDA has authorized the use of three COVID-19 drugs to date.

These medications should be used under the supervision of a physician, especially those that are applied intravenously like Remdesivir. Some of these treatments, like Dexametasone, are oral medications that can be dispensed by licensed pharmacists if prescribed by a doctor. Pharmacists are also at a crucial position to provide unparalleled assistance in ensuring their safe use. They can offer patients the necessary information regarding proper drug utilization and medicine reconciliation, especially since some of the said treatments may present side effects or interact with other medications patients are taking.

Given the progress of research on COVID treatment as well as the current infection trends, WHO noted that the potential end of the pandemic can happen by the end of 2023. To curb further transmission, consistent efforts from all sectors is crucial. As we continue to live in the new normal, we look forward to continuing our shared efforts with our partner pharmacists in achieving a healthier Philippines.























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