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Pambatang Solmux

Cough Signs, Symptoms & Causes

Dry Cough
Dry Cough

Dry cough is cough without phlegm.

Causes: External triggers such as pollutants and foreign particles

Treatment: Please consult a Pediatrician.

Cough with Phlegm
Cough with Phlegm

Cause: Infection in the lung tract.

Symptoms: Heaviness, breathlessness, itchy throat, or difficulty in spitting out phlegm.

Treatment: Mucolytic like Solmux can give the best relief from cough with phlegm.

Allergic Cough
Allergic Cough

Cause: Reaction to allergens like food, pet dander, pollen etc.

Symptoms: Coughing, sneezing, sore throat, runny nose and nasal congestion

Treatment: Anti-allergy treatment

Pleghm Indicator


This is a possible sign of an infection and the respiratory tract tissues are starting to swell or be inflamed.


The infection maybe progressing and the body is starting to fight it.


The immune system is continuously fighting the infection. You may bring your child to the Pediatrician.

Pink or Red
Pink or Red

May be a sign of blood. Please bring your child to the Pediatrician immediately.

Tips on How to Manage Cough

Tip 1
Tip 1

Have your child drink plenty of fluids like water and juice. This helps reduce thickness of phlegm.

Tip 2
Tip 2

Temporarily avoid strenuous physical activities.

Tip 3
Tip 3

Consult their Pediatrician.

Tip 4
Tip 4

Giving mucolytics like Solmux to help expel phlegm and protect the lungs from virus and bacteria.