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Keep Up with School Works: Talino at Diskarte Tips for Kids!

Keep Up with School Works: Talino at Diskarte Tips for Kids!

Here are tips to improve your kids' performance in school!

As a parent or caregiver, it's essential to encourage children to keep up with their school work and develop effective study habits. Whether they are learning in-person or virtually, staying on top of assignments, tests, and projects can be a daunting task for young learners.
By providing support and guidance, you can help your child develop the skills they need to succeed academically and build a foundation for future learning.
In this article, explore Talino plus Diskarte strategies to help kids keep up with their school work and thrive in their academic pursuits.
Study in Style: Creating a Designated Space for Learning
Find a quiet and comfortable space for your kids that's solely reserved for studying. This can help them stay focused and minimize distractions.
When multiple things are vying for the child’s attention, it can be challenging to concentrate on important tasks. Studies have shown that disorganized surroundings can significantly impact the ability to focus.1
If you're finding it tough to keep your child's learning space organized, try tackling the clutter one thing at a time. Decluttering can often feel overwhelming, but by breaking it down into smaller tasks, it can become more manageable. You might be surprised at how quickly you can make progress and create a more organized space.
Setting-Up a Winning Study Schedule!
Help your child create a schedule that includes dedicated study time, breaks, and other activities. This can help them manage their time effectively and avoid cramming. Figure out what is needed to study and when your kids are going to do it. When you plan ahead, you save time looking for materials and trying to decide what to work on.
Before you finalize your kid’s schedule for the upcoming week, take some time to review their class notes and their schedule from last week. This can help you identify any tasks or assignments that you might need to carry over to the new week. By doing this, you can make sure that you're not overlooking anything important and that you're staying on top of their workload.2 Also, try to be specific about what you want to accomplish. Have a checklist of specific tasks like completing all homework, solving at least two math equations, or learning at least 5 new words or phrases.
Seeing is Believing: Visual Aids for Kids
Make review time more fun with visual aids! Use visual aids like diagrams, mind maps, or flashcards to help kids remember important concepts. Visual aids can make it easier for children to understand and remember the information you're sharing.3 Plus, they can serve as notes for you, so you can stay on track and make sure you cover everything you need to.
If you are not used to teaching children, it can also help you engage with them more by making it easier for you to maintain eye contact and move around the room.
Quick Breaks to Ace School Days
Allow kids to take a breather during study sessions and watch how it transforms their productivity and mindset!
Short breaks in between study sessions can help your young ones recharge. Researchers have found that strategically incorporating these brief time-outs into study routines can work wonders on children’s energy, productivity, and concentration.4
The duration of these breaks can vary, from quick five-minute strolls or restroom breaks to hour-long snack sessions. By giving your kids a chance to recharge, you can help boost their cognitive abilities and optimize their study sessions. Moreover, these breaks can help avoid burnouts and combat overwhelming feelings of stress. This allows children to tackle each lesson with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose.
Missing Sleep Losing Information!
When learning something new, one of the best things to help remember it is to get a good night's sleep. Believe it or not, while catching some Z's, the brain is actually working hard to strengthen the memories made earlier in the day. Not only that, but sleeping can also help the brain connect new information to things you already know, making it easier to recall later on.5
On the other hand, if you don't get enough sleep, your ability to learn new things could drop by as much as 40%.6 Yikes! That's why pulling all-nighters isn't a good idea if you want your kids to perform well in school.
Nourishing Brain Buffet: Food for Thought
Next time your kids are hitting the books, make sure to give them some brain-healthy snacks to help them power through! While studying, the brain needs lots of energy to focus and remember important facts. That's why it's so important to eat a balanced diet!
Surprisingly foods that are good for the heart and blood vessels have brain boosting effects to the brain.7 Here are some of them.
  • Leafy greens like kale, spinach, collards, and broccoli contain brain-healthy nutrients such as vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta carotene that may slow cognitive decline.
  • On the other hand, fatty fish like salmon, cod, canned light tuna, and pollack are great for brain health as they contain omega-3 fatty acids . Research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids could potentially benefit children's brain function and mood! Specifically, it may improve their learning, memory, and brain development.8
Talino Booster Formula for Kids!
It's wonderful to see that you're going the extra mile for your child's brain development by not only providing them a well-rounded diet, but also helping them develop healthy study habits. However, there may be instances where incorporating a supplement can also prove advantageous in ensuring that they receive vitamins essential for a healthy brain.
Of course, before planning to add supplements to their diet, don't hesitate to consult with your pediatrician or a nutritionist.
If you're seeking a supplement that can accompany your children during study o’clock, you may want to consider giving Multivitamins + Minerals + Lysine (Nutroplex®) a try!
Together with diet and exercise, Multivitamins + Minerals + Lysine (Nutroplex®) is a nutritional supplement that helps provide essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Iron and Vitamin B Complex for mental sharpness and quick thinking.
Multivitamins + Minerals + Lysine (Nutroplex®) is available in all leading drugstores and supermarkets nationwide.
It is available in bottles of 250 mL (PHP 286.65 SRP), 120 mL (PHP 157.50 SRP) and 60 mL (PHP 83.50 SRP).
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
ASC Reference No. U0264P041423N
Supporting References:

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