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What You Need to Know About Fatty Liver

What You Need to Know About Fatty Liver

Excess fat in the liver can spell trouble for your overall health. Check out this short feature on fatty liver, along with tips for treatment and prevention

The human body can synthesize many of the fatty acids except for some essential fatty acids. Fatty acids from fat are essential for biological functions, structure and energy. However too much of it can be problematic especially for vital organs such as the liver. Read on to learn about a condition called Fatty Liver Diseases, its causes, symptoms, along with tips on treatment and prevention.

Fatty Liver 101

One of the body’s vital organs, the liver carries out multiple life-supporting functions such as producing bile that aids in digestion, creating proteins, storing iron, converting nutrients into energy and filtering out harmful substances from the blood. It’s important to know that the liver packs a small amount of fat. But when that amount reaches 5 - 10% of your liver’s weight, it becomes a problem.

When fat builds up on the liver, we develop a condition called “Fatty Liver”, also known as Hepatic Steatosis. Excess fat can cause liver inflammation. While some cases show that having the condition does not cause serious problems to your overall health, leaving fatty liver untreated or unchecked may lead to liver failure. Here’s how it could progress: 

  1. Steatohepatitis or the liver becomes inflamed or swollen, which damages the tissue.
  2. Fibrosis or when scar tissue begins to form where your liver is damaged.
  3. Cirrhosis or when extensive scar tissue starts to replace healthy tissue.

Occurring as a result of severe damage to the liver, cirrhosis can lead to liver failure and liver cancer. The condition may be irreversible, that’s why it’s important to prevent and treat fatty liver as early as you can.

Risk Assessment: Fatty Liver Causes, Risk Factors & Symptoms

There are two main types of fatty liver: alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Alcoholic fatty liver is the accumulation of fat due to heavy drinking, while non-alcoholic fatty liver can develop in those with the following conditions:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Obesity
  • High blood sugar
  • High cholesterol
  • Insulin resistance
  • Pregnancy
  • Have polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Have a history of infections such as hepatitis C
  • Have a history of fatty liver in the family

In general, fatty liver has no noticeable symptoms. In some cases though, and because fatty liver can enlarge the liver, tiredness and discomfort in the upper right side of the abdomen are associated with the condition.

How to Treat & Prevent Fatty Liver

The good news is that you can do a thing or two to keep your liver in top condition. Your first line of defense against fatty liver and its potential complications are a few lifestyle tweaks such as these healthy habits:

  • Stay active and keep a healthy weight
  • Subscribe to a nutrient-rich diet with low saturated fats, trans fats and refined carbs
  • Be more proactive in keeping your blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check
  • Limit alcohol intake

Research says that a well-balanced diet is still the best source of nutrition. Supplements along with proper diet and exercise, can help support the performance of the liver and encourage its natural function of repairing damaged cell membranes.

Read more on liver health and liver supplements. Discover Liverprime and Siliphos™.

For the best liver care possible, seek the professional advice of a doctor.


ASC Ref No: U094P092721LS

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