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Liver Care: Fatty Liver Disease Complications

Liver Care: Fatty Liver Disease Complications

Excess fat in the liver can spell trouble for your overall health. Check out this short feature on fatty liver, along with tips for treatment and prevention.

Fatty liver disease is a common condition that can sometimes come without symptoms. While it doesn’t cause problems in some cases, fatty liver can lead to liver damage as well as a variety of health conditions. Read on to learn more about these health conditions, along with tips on how to keep your liver healthy and functioning at its best.

When There’s Too Much Fat in the Liver

Fat is an essential nutrient because it is a source of fatty acids that the body needs for cell integrity. But when too much fat accumulates in vital organs such as the liver, that can be a problem.

The liver is a powerhouse organ supporting multiple systems within the body. This includes digestion, immune function, and metabolism or the conversion of food into energy. When the amount of fat within the organ exceeds the normal levels, a condition called fatty liver occurs. The liver can become inflamed leading to complications which can get in the way of the organ’s day-to-day functions.

What Happens when Fatty Liver is Left Untreated

In general, poor health leaves you vulnerable to sickness and diseases. The same logic applies when it comes to liver health. As previously mentioned, when the liver becomes fatty, it may or may not come with symptoms. But if left unchecked and untreated, the condition may progress and may result in various complications. 

Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)

While alcoholic fatty liver disease may be the more known type of fatty liver, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is far more prevalent. Severe Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease may promote liver inflammation, liver cell injury and scarring (fibrosis). This condition is called Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).


Chronic inflammation and scarring (fibrosis) which occurs over a period of time may lead to the complication called Cirrhosis. NASH is one such condition that if left untreated may cause the liver to develop Cirrhosis. Cirrhosis itself may be asymptomatic but once it manifests, the patient may develop:

  • Fluid buildup in the abdomen
  • Swelling of veins in the esophagus (which can rupture and bleed)
  • Liver cancer
  • End-stage liver failure (liver stops functioning)

Studies have also shown that fatty liver often goes hand in hand with obesity and diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes) which can boost the risk of heart disease and cardiovascular problems.

How Do I Know if I Have Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver has no noticeable symptoms. It’s most often discovered by chance during physical exams when the liver seems enlarged, or when there are signs of cirrhosis.

Other ways to check on your liver health are blood tests, called liver function and biochemical tests. Imaging tests (such as abdominal ultrasound, MRI or CT scan) can check for the presence of fat in the liver. Stiffness of the liver due to fibrosis or scarring may be seen using imaging called Transient Elastography. The amount of fibrosis in the liver can be a determination of liver health.

How to Take Care of Your Liver

Prevention is always the better form of treatment. Tweaking your lifestyle with these key healthy habits can do wonders not only for your liver, but for your overall health.

  • Keep active, keep a healthy weight. Sweat excess fat off by subscribing to a daily workout routine.
  • Eat healthy. Put a cap on your daily salt and sugar intake, and add more plant-based foods (fruits and vegetables) to your regular meal plan.
  • Supplement your daily nutrition. Research says that a well-balanced diet is still the best source of nutrition. Supplements, along with proper diet and exercise, can help support the performance of the liver and encourage its natural function of repairing damaged cell membranes.


Read more on liver health and liver supplements. Discover Liverprime.

For the best liver care possible, seek the professional advice of a doctor.


ASC Ref No. U126P090821LS

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