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How To Check If Your Liver Is Functioning Properly

How To Check If Your Liver Is Functioning Properly

Want to check if you’re at risk for liver disease? Assess your lifestyle with this article and find out.

The liver is one busy organ; it does a lot to filter out toxins and helps keep us healthy. However, due to today’s fast-paced and oftentimes, stressful lifestyle, we can’t help but give in to unhealthy vices that can put the liver at risk.

Thankfully there are ways for you to check your liver health and make lifestyle changes, like take vitamins for the liver, before it is too late. Continue reading below to find out if your lifestyle is contributing to your liver’s health decline.

Liver diseases often go undetected and unnoticed because their function only decreases gradually. So it’s best to have regular examinations if you are consciously aware of your detrimental lifestyle choices. These include:

1.         Drinking an excessive amount of alcohol
2.         Smoking heavily
3.         Eating a lot of fast food and processed meats
4.         Living a sedentary lifestyle

So if you tick all the boxes, then it’s time that you take control of your liver health to help identify any potential problems early on.

What is a liver function test?

A liver function test measures the ability of the liver to work well through the determination of levels of particular enzymes, proteins in the blood and blood clotting mechanism. There are different kinds of blood tests that can identify abnormalities in the liver. The most common are:

1.         Alanine Transaminase (ALT) Test - the enzyme alanine aminotransferase is usually only found in the liver. So if traces are found in the bloodstream, it indicates that the liver has been damaged causing the enzyme to leak out.
2.         Albumin Test - the protein albumin is made exclusively by the liver and accounts for more than half the protein in the blood. Low levels of this might mean liver damage or disease.
3.         Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GTP) Test - a fatty liver or a significantly high alcohol intake can increase the gamma-glutamyltransferase enzyme found in the blood, which indicates liver or bile duct damage.
4.         Bilirubin Test - the body usually cleans bilirubin out of your body, which develops when red blood cells are broken down. So if high levels of it are found in the blood, it’s called jaundice which causes itchy skin and yellow skin and eyes which may be a sign of liver pathology.
5.         Prothrombin time – test for clotting mechanisms of the liver.

What lifestyle changes do I need to make?

Even though the liver can pretty much take care of itself, we shouldn’t take it for granted. Here are some of the easiest ways for you to slowly but surely improve your liver health.

Maintain a healthy diet - it’s a no-brainer that we are what we eat. While it’s difficult to fully transition to a nutritious diet, small changes like snacking on fruits instead of sugary carbs can make a big difference.

Stay away from vices - alcohol and smoking are two of your liver’s biggest enemies. Going cold turkey has proven to be challenging, so take small steps before fully quitting.

Regular checkups -  it’s best to maintain a regular check up schedule with your doctor to make sure you are on top of your health and to help you come up with a plan suited for your needs.

According to experts, a well-balanced diet is an essential part of nutrition. Supplements, along with proper diet and exercise, can help support the performance of the liver and can positively affect your physical wellbeing.

Read more on liver health and liver supplements. Discover Liverprime.


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