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How a Liver Check-Up Makes a Difference for Your Health

How a Liver Check-Up Makes a Difference for Your Health

Learn how a check-up can help you take care of your liver.

Medically Inspected by: Dr. Ma. Carla D. Sibulo, MD

To say that the liver plays many important roles in your health is an understatement. Unfortunately, this organ can be seriously damaged over time when it is not properly taken care of.

Liver damage can raise a person’s risk for certain diseases such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, and may lead to devastating complications. 

When taking care of your liver, early risk assessment matters. Fortunately, there are many ways you can spot or even counter early warning signs of liver damage and maintain its good health. Continue reading to learn how to take care of your liver better starting today!

Early Liver Care and Protection: When Should It Start?

You may wonder: Is there a recommended age for people to start undergoing liver check-ups? The answer is actually none! However, some groups of people are advised to have their liver checked as early as they can, namely:

  • People with a family history of liver disease
  • People who are frequent alcohol drinkers
  • People with risk factors such as diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol
  • People taking medicines like antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and cardiovascular drugs among others, which may cause liver damage
  • People suspected to have been exposed to a hepatitis virus
  • People showing signs of liver disease such as jaundice (yellowing of the skin and/or eyes), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, dark-colored urine, and light-colored stool 

How Does Testing Help Maintain Liver Health?

If you belong to any of the at-risk groups mentioned, you may be advised to undergo a liver function test. These blood tests are used by doctors to help:

  • Inspect for fat build-up in the liver/liver inflammation to rule out severe liver conditions like cirrhosis
  • Check and diagnose (if possible) liver infection or disease
  • Observe how a disease is progressing
  • Oversee effectivity of medication and inspect for side effects
  • Take note of certain levels of enzymes and proteins in the blood

Results of these tests may also assist your doctor in determining the next course of action/s needed and provide you with insights on how to take better care of your liver.

How to Manage Fatty Liver and Other Problems Through Your Lifestyle 

If you are not part of any of the at-risk groups mentioned earlier but are very much concerned about your liver health, incorporate these positive changes to your lifestyle:

  • Undergo an annual physical exam (APE): Examinations like this can help you detect early signs of diseases so you can address the condition before it progresses. 
  • Take note of what you eat: Ideally, follow a healthy and balanced diet composed of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and fish.
  • Lessen intake of alcoholic beverages: These drinks can damage liver cells and increase the risk of swelling and scarring.
  • Wash your hands: This can help prevent the spread of the hepatitis A virus.
  • Exercise as much as you can: Some studies have linked that constant exercise may help oxidize fatty acids, reduce fatty acid synthesis, and prevent mitochondrial and liver cell damage. If you have existing comorbidities, seek the clearance of your doctor first to prevent further injuries.
  • Be cautious about the medicines you take: Some medicines can trigger side effects that may be harmful for your liver, especially if taken in high doses. Ask your doctor if medications you may be taking right now can be harmful for your liver.

Don’t forget to ask your doctor about a supplement like Natural Solutions Liverprime Food Supplement for your liver too!

Natural Solutions Liverprime Food Supplement contains Silybin and Phosphatidylcholine. Through Phytosome Technology, these 2 powerful liver supplements found in Natural Solutions Liverprime Food Supplement are brought together, specially formulated to help with liver care with proper diet and healthy lifestyle.

Natural Solutions Liverprime Food Supplement works well in helping maintain liver health and preventing fatty liver disease. It also contains Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Calcium and Zinc, which are all important nutrients for optimal liver function.

Natural Solutions Liverprime Food Supplement together with proper diet and a healthy lifestyle helps with liver care. 

Natural Solutions Liverprime Food Supplement is available online and in leading drugstores nationwide at Php 38.75 SRP per capsule.


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