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A Closer Look at Siliphos™: The Ingredient That Helps With Liver Health

A Closer Look at Siliphos™: The Ingredient That Helps With Liver Health

Siliphos®, a milk thistle extract derivative, is an ingredient that is closely associated with promoting liver health. Read on to learn about how it works.

The liver is easily one of the most hardworking organs in your body, which is why it’s important to start protecting it early on. One ingredient that can help you do that is called Siliphos™. But what exactly does  itdo and how can it protect your liver?

The importance of liver health

Much like complex machines that need to be kept clean from the inside, the human body also needs a powerful filtering system to keep it running smoothly. The liver represents your body’s primary filtering system. It converts toxins into waste products, cleansing your blood.

Your liver also metabolizes nutrients to provide the body with important proteins. On top of that, this organ also metabolizes medicine, produces bile, maintains blood sugar levels, and much more. In fact, the liver performs over 500 functions to keep you healthy. So as a key part of the body’s overall regulation, you can see why it’s important to keep your liver in top shape.

But despite being the body’s second largest organ, we often take our liver for granted and often subject it to abuse. When we take too much alcohol, have an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, become overweight or obese, this can negatively impact our liver health. 

A common liver problem that affects both men and women is called fatty liver disease. A disease caused by the buildup of excess fat in the liver, fatty liver disease does not manifest symptoms early on but if left untreated, fatty liver can progress to other diseases such as diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, and even liver cancer.

The good news is that it can be prevented with the right lifestyle changes and the help of an ingredient called Siliphos™.

Siliphos™ and the liver: what does it do?

Many natural ingredients are known for their ability to support liver health and one of these is milk thistle extract from the milk thistle plant (Silybum marianum). The extract contains a high amount of compounds collectively called flavonoids, one of which is silybin, known to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. However, regular milk thistle extracts may not be easily absorbed by the body, which lowers their effectiveness.

This is where Siliphos™ comes in. Siliphos™ is a fusion of Silybin & Phosphatidylcholine that are prescribed to provide liver protection and regeneration. With Phytosome technology, it is specifically  designed to optimize the bioavailability of silybin, making it much easier for the body to absorb.

With Siliphos™ significantly improving the way silybin is absorbed, it also boosts its benefits of  maintaininghealthy liver function and protecting it from oxidative stress.

The key benefits of Siliphos™ to liver health include:

  • Preventing cell damage within the liver
  • Protecting the liver from tissue scarring
  • Helping in the regression of liver damage
  • Preventing fat accumulation
  • Protecting and regenerating liver cells


How to start taking care of your liver

As early as your 30s, you should start taking steps to protect your liver. Tried and tested ways that help achieve liver wellness include maintaining a healthy diet and an active lifestyle, as well as avoiding excessive alcohol consumption. More importantly, it’s best to maintain a regular check up schedule with your doctor to make sure you are on top of your health and to help you come up with a plan suited for your needs. Research says that a well-balanced diet is still the best source of nutrition. But while supplements can’t top the benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise, supplements can be a good addition for your body to reach its recommended daily nutrition it needs to keep its health and performance up. The same is true for the liver. Liver supplements can be a great addition to your diet to encourage repair and replacement of cell membranes.

For the best liver care possible, seek the professional advice of a doctor.

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