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The Glowing Benefits of Iron for Hair, Skin & Body

The Glowing Benefits of Iron for Hair, Skin & Body

Discover the Benefits of Iron

Medically Inspected by: Caridad Pacheco-Purugganan,MD

Iron is essential to every cell in the body. While a shortage of the nutrient may lead to iron deficiency anemia, achieving the recommended amount results in numerous benefits. Read on for what iron can do for hair, skin and body.

Iron and its Benefits

You may be unaware of it but iron plays a key role in making sure that the body runs like a well-oiled machine. Keep in mind that iron is an essential component in the production of hemoglobin, a protein substance in red blood cells that carry and transport oxygen from the lungs to the different parts of the body. And oxygen is what every cell in the body needs to create energy with which to fuel the body’s many internal processes. This is primarily why it’s important to make sure you get enough iron on the daily.

When iron in the body is less than ideal, this may affect your appearance. Skin may be visibly pale and dull, hair brittle and dry, and the body may look and feel weak. When you do have enough iron, you can be sure to observe and experience these benefits.

For the Skin
Dreaming of a natural pinkish glow? Pair a good skin care routine with having enough iron in the body. Dull skin with dark spots and undereye circles are common signs of anemia due to iron deficiency. With limited hemoglobin and red blood cells, blood is diverted away from the skin and directed to supply vital organs instead. The lack of iron  leads to lack of hemoglobin which means that blood may not be allowed to reach the surface or outer layers of the skin, leaving you with pale skin and poor skin health.

As a key mineral in the production of hemoglobin, iron also helps with optimizing the skin’s wound healing function and minimizing the appearance of bruises.

For the Hair
Hair loss can be caused by a multitude of factors, including poor nutrition. How can having enough iron help prevent the condition? The same way the mineral helps with the skin’s wound healing: by making sure that oxygen reaches the cells that stimulate hair growth.

For both skin and hair, iron helps optimize their health through its participation in supplying oxygen for cell and tissue repair. With ample amounts of iron, hair exhibits good health, meaning that it’s shiny, smooth with good elasticity, and detangles easily.

For the Body
Iron packs more benefits for the body. For individuals having troubles with appetite and eating, studies show that iron can help. It has been found that iron decreases an appetite-suppressing hormone called leptin. In support of the body’s immune system, iron secures the activation and proliferation of immunecells.

Physical and mental performances are also affected by iron. Mental focus is found to be sharper with adequate blood and oxygen reaching the brain while for physical performance, insufficient iron can affect how the body expends energy on muscles to perform movements.

Preventing Iron Deficiency

Keep the body in tip-top shape by making sure that there isn’t a shortage in iron. And don’t wait ‘til it develops into iron deficiency anemia! Subscribe to a regular, healthy serving of iron-rich foods such as spinach, peas and lean proteins, supplemented with vitamin C-rich snacks to help with the absorption of iron.

You may also want to consider taking iron supplements to help ensure that you are reaching your daily quota for iron. Iron + B-Complex + Folic Acid (Hemarate FA) together with proper diet and exercise  helps in preventing and treating iron deficiency anemia

Read more articles and features on iron and iron deficiency.

ASC Ref No. U051P031721HS

https://www.everydayhealth.com/anemia/are-you-anemic-signs-look/#:~:text=Pale%20skin %20in%20an%20anemic,the%20surface%20of%20the%20skin.
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/08/150824212301.htm#:~:text=Iron%20is%20the% 20one%20mineral,and%20the%20potential%20to%20overeat.

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