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3 Habits To Keep Your Blood & Immune System Healthy

3 Habits To Keep Your Blood & Immune System Healthy

Find out how these lifestyle changes can help promote a healthy immune system and increase the amount of iron in the body.

Medically Inspected by: Caridad Pacheco-Purugganan, MD

Boosting the body’s defenses is everyone’s priority especially during these trying times. One simple way to do this is to keep the blood and immune system healthy. And rightfully so, because blood acts as a conduit to bring oxygen to different parts of the body necessary to maintain normal bodily functions. Hence, healthy blood means strong immunity. So what do you do  to keep your blood and immune system in check? Read on.

  1. Check your diet.

    You are what you eat and your blood health shows if you’re lacking in any of the essential nutrients that strengthen your blood cells. Iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 are some of the major nutrients that should be present in your diet. To keep your immunity in check, be guided by the following:

    • Iron-rich foods

      Iron is responsible for the production of red blood cells that transfer oxygen in the blood going to organs and tissues. Iron can be found in red meat especially beef, green leafy vegetables like spinach and moringa (malunggay), beans, egg yolks, dried fruits, and organ meat such as liver and kidney.

    • Food with high folic acid content

      Folic acid (Vit B9) helps make the body produce new healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen to the different parts of the body. Lack of folic acid in the body can create abnormally large red blood cells that will not work properly and can badly affect the immunity. Folic acid can be found in: cereals, nuts, peas, green leafy vegetables, and enriched breads.

    • Foods that are high in Vitamin B12

      Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to irregularly shaped blood cells that cannot pass through the bone marrow going into the bloodstream. This can lead to anemia manifested through weakness, fatigue, and shortness of breath –- all leading to a weakened body defense system. Get your Vitamin B12 from red meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs.

  2. Have some lifestyle changes.

    If exercising took a backseat, it’s time to put it back to your priority list. Regular exercise requires your body to pump more oxygen into the body which signals the brain to produce new red blood cells. This, plus good blood circulation allows your cells to move freely in the body, do their job efficiently, and improve the body’s immunity.

    If staying up late has become a habit, it’s high time you reset your bedtime. Lack of sleep lowers your T-cells or immune cells and increases your cytokines or inflammation cells. Hence, getting an average of an 8-hour restful deep sleep greatly boosts one’s immunity.

  3. Take your supplements.

    Certain diets may not always meet the required amount of nutrients needed to keep the blood and immune system healthy. This is especially true for vegans who avoid red meats, for the reason that vitamin B12 is found in animal products which is essential in combating Iron Deficiency. Aging women are also prone to iron deficiency, because acid helps release the active form of vitamin B12 in the stomach and that production decreases as we age. In addition, pregnant women who need extra folic acid (at least 600 mcg) for healthy fetus development and women who regularly menstruate and experience blood loss. For such situations, supplements help give you the necessary vitamins and minerals in order to maintain a healthy blood and immune system especially if you are more at risk having Iron Deficiency Anemia. Consulting your doctor on supplements helps you know the prevention and treatment plans for IDA.

    Iron + B-Complex + Folic Acid (Hemarate FA) is a supplement that has ingredients working together to help combat iron-deficiency anemia, promote healthy blood cells, and strengthen the body’s defenses against sickness with proper diet and exercise.

    Healthy blood is necessary for strong immunity. Take Iron + B-Complex + Folic Acid (Hemarate FA) with proper diet and exercise to help protect your body’s defenses.


ASC Ref No. U052P031721HS

https://www.allinahealth.org/healthysetgo/prevent/six-ways-to-boost-your-immunity-befo re-you-get-sick

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