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What You Need to Know About Migraine

What You Need to Know About Migraine

A migraine attack can easily disrupt a good day. Migraines happen when blood doesn’t properly flow through your blood vessels.

A migraine attack can easily disrupt a good day. When the head feels heavy and the pain in the head starts pounding, suffering from migraine can be debilitating. The causes for why these attacks happen vary with each individual.

But simply put, a migraine happens because blood doesn’t properly flow in the blood vessels and the nerves become sensitive.  If you know the possible triggers of a migraine, however, you can squash this before it even starts.

Common Migraine Triggers

Food and beverages

Some people develop migraine because of the food they eat. According to medical experts, processed food that is filled with sulfites and other preservatives can actually inhibit the flow of blood in the blood vessels as it becomes dilated. When this happens, a headache could then occur. Smoked food, canned food, cheese, cold cuts, chocolates, alcohol and carbonated drinks are just examples of food and beverages you shouldn’t be eating or drinking if you are prone to migraine.

Change in routines

If you’re used to waking early in the morning to get to work on time, but your schedule suddenly changes allowing you to sleep in for a few hours longer, then you could wake up with a really bad headache. This is because your body isn’t used to the change in the set-up just yet, and may have a hard time adjusting to your new routine. Thus, any sudden change in your lifestyle and habits can easily trigger a migraine.


Stress is probably the number one cause of migraines for many people. Whether this is related to difficulties in work or relationships, it can trigger attacks. When a person is stressed, the body tenses up, constricting the blood vessels that lead to the tightening of the muscles. Because blood flow and oxygen isn’t properly distributed, the body succumbs to physical pain like tension headaches or migraines.


Migraines due to hormonal changes are common among women. Triggers are usually related to the menstrual cycle or the onset of menopause, and managing this entails a few lifestyle adjustments.


Solutions and Preventions

Migraine doesn’t go away immediately. There are medicines to help ease the pain of migraine, but the real problems and triggers are not really cured, unless you act on it and commit to putting more focus on your health and wellness.

1) Start taking down notes of what you eat and see which foods may contribute to the triggers. You don’t necessarily have to stop eating these. When done in moderation, you could still enjoy certain foods known to cause migraines, yet still be free of headaches. Also, drink plenty of water so that it can wash away toxins that tend to clog up the system in the body, freeing up the blood vessels.

2) Gradually do changes in your lifestyle and routine to give your body the time to adjust to a system and get back in the groove.  Don’t be drastic about this, especially if you are prone to migraine.

3) When things start to become overwhelming at work, or with your relationships, it’s always good to take a breather. Set aside time for yourself so that you can recharge and relax.  Get a massage or take a hobby you can enjoy. It can do wonders to your physical and mental well-being.

4) Do daily exercises. This will not only help your muscles relax, but exercise can stimulate hormones that help with mood changes, which in turn helps with stress management.

5) Take vitamins and minerals that are rich in zinc, calcium and magnesium, as these are known to help with proper blood flow in the body. If the migraine has become unmanageable despite your efforts to change things, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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