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What Causes Hyperacidity and How Can You Avoid It

What Causes Hyperacidity and How Can You Avoid It

People who consume too much coffee, alcoholic drinks, and carbonated beverages on a daily basis are at risk of developing hyperacidity.

Hyperacidity, also commonly known as acid reflux, occurs when there is too much hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Hyperacidity is usually caused by a bacterial infection or other lifestyle habits like the consumption of alcohol or certain foods or drinks. If left untreated, it can lead to more severe cases and other serious digestive illnesses such as ulcers.


You usually feel a burning sensation within your breastbone area (heartburn), accompanied by a bitter taste in your mouth if you are suffering from gastritis. This sensation usually worsens whenever you bend over or when you are lying down. Eating a lot and not chewing your food properly can also affect the way your stomach digests your food. Other common symptoms include feeling an uncomfortable fullness in the upper abdomen after eating, nausea, and vomiting.

Who are at risk

Both children and adults can suffer from some form of acidity at least once in their lifetimes. People who consume too much coffee, alcoholic drinks, and carbonated beverages on a daily basis are at risk of developing hyperacidity more often than usual. Eating spicy and oily foods all the time can also harm your stomach lining and result in gastritis. Certain pain medications like ibuprofen and aspirin can also increase your risk.

Stop your bad habits

Smoking, alcohol consumption, and high levels of stress/anxiety may trigger hyperacidity. If you regularly drink coffee, make sure you don’t consume it on an empty stomach. Those who like to habitually combine smoking with drinking alcohol/coffee may also develop hyperacidity.


Hyperacidity is often linked to indigestion and can be treated by over-the-counter antacids, which contain ingredients like sodium bicarbonate. It is also recommended that you avoid eating certain foods which may irritate the stomach. Your doctor may prescribe other medications like H-2-receptor blockers and proton pump inhibitors for more severe cases. Avoid eating the following if you are suffering from hyperacidity:

  • Chocolates
  • Fatty/oily/spicy food
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Soft drinks
  • Citrus food/drinks
  • Food with tomatoes

Distribute your meals during the day and avoid eating large portions late at night to allow your stomach to properly process your food. Choose ingredients that won’t trigger hyperacidity like steamed vegetables, ginger, oatmeal, and egg whites.

When to consult a doctor

Most cases of hyperacidity usually just go away after drinking and antacid but it can also be an indication of something more serious. Immediately see a doctor if you encounter any of these symptoms even after you take your medicine:

  • Persistent vomiting
  • Frequent heartburn
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Difficulty eating and swallowing

Always consult your doctor before drinking any kind of medication, including vitamins. Keep in mind that your physician is in the best position to prescribe the right kind of treatment for your condition. Immediately stop using a product if you experience negative side effects.

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