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Ways to Avoid Outdoor Allergies

Ways to Avoid Outdoor Allergies

Exposure to dust and mold can trigger an episode of allergies.

Dust and mold causing you to sneeze and your nose to feel congested and runny? If this scenario is familiar to you, you probably have allergic rhinitis.

What is allergic rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis is the body’s response to allergens, which are typically harmless substances like dust, mold, pollen, and grass. When the body encounters an allergen, it releases histamine, a natural chemical that defends your body from the allergen. Once the histamine is released, you can experience uncomfortable symptoms such as sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy eyes.

How to avoid outdoor allergies

Before you take steps in avoiding allergens, you need to know what you are allergic to. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and he/she can help you figure out what allergens are and when they are most likely to get worse. Once you know this, you’ll be able to find ways to avoid the allergens.

If you’re one of the millions who have allergic rhinitis, there are simple strategies you can try to avoid allergens, or at least get your allergies under control. Try these tips:

  1. Check the weather before going out. If you’re allergic to outdoor allergens like pollution and pollen, you may want to stay indoors when it’s dry and windy. The best time is after it rains, when the air is clear from pollen and other irritants.
  2. Avoid chores that involve dusting or gardening. You may want to delegate the sweeping, dusting, or weeding to someone else in your household.
  3. Don’t hang your laundry outdoors. Allergens can stick to your clothes, sheets, and towels. If possible, use a dryer or dry indoors instead.
  4. Wear a dust mask when you step outside.
  5. Use a dehumidifier inside your home to keep air dry.
  6. Keep your space clean. It helps to vacuum often with a cleaner that has a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in your bedroom.
  7. Remove excess leaves, compost, and grass clippings from areas close to your home. It helps to keep your gutters and drains clean as well.

If you can’t avoid allergens, you can keep your allergic rhinitis under control with Allerta. Allerta is used to relieve symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis such as sneezing; runny, itchy nose; and itchy, watery eyes.

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