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Menopause: Treatment Options

Menopause: Treatment Options

Menopause can prove to be a difficult period in a woman’s lifetime.

Menopause can prove to be a difficult period in a woman’s lifetime. Not only does it signal the end of your reproductive cycle but it can also come at a time when there are many changes in your life. Menopause can trigger a variety of symptoms which can make it hard to enjoy the things that you used to do and this is usually when you start to seek out treatment options.

Can you treat menopause?

Menopause is an inevitable phenomenon in every woman’s reproductive system, hence there is no treatment to prevent it from happening. Its symptoms, however, can be individually addressed to help lessen the physical and emotional stress as you transition to the next chapter of your life.

What are the symptoms and long do they last?

The months or years leading to menopause is called perimenopause. This is when some symptoms like hot flashes, irregular periods, chills, and vaginal dryness are usually experienced by women aged 40 and above. It is important to note that these symptoms are not permanent and usually go away on their own without any form of medical treatment.

Are there natural remedies for menopause?

Yes. According to some studies, women often try out physical activities like tai chi and yoga to help them relax their minds and maintain their physical fitness. Since one of the common symptoms of menopause is insomnia, physical exercises may help you get a better night’s rest. Menopausal women are also more prone to gaining weight and depression since their hormones are at an all-time low, so daily exercise can promote weight loss and reduce anxiety levels.

Depression and menopause

Since menopause happens during a pivotal time in a woman’s life, you may be prone to suffering depression. What is commonly called a “midlife crisis” can contribute to the influx of emotional stress that menopausal women may undergo during the perimenopause stage. Other circumstances in your 40s like retirement, death of family members, and the like may not directly cause depression but should still be considered as possible triggers. Try to maintain a good relationship with family and friends and seek support whenever you need it. Consult your doctor before taking any form of medication.

Medical options

Some effects of menopause, although rare, may need medical attention if it’s starting to affect your daily life. Chronic symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness are the most common complaints of menopausal women. You can ask your physician about getting these possible treatments for your symptoms:

  • Hormone therapy – this form of treatment plan is a temporary solution to your short-term symptoms like menopausal hot flashes. Since menopause also puts you at risk of developing osteoporosis, estrogen may help prevent further bone loss. However, hormone therapy can possibly cause serious illnesses like breast cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Always consult your doctor before undergoing any form of treatment plan.
  • Vaginal estrogen – vaginal dryness may prove to be a painful experience during intercourse and can greatly affect your day to day life. This treatment plan is administered directly to the vagina in the form of a vaginal cream, tablet, or ring. Vaginal dryness can be relieved through the release of a low dose of estrogen to the vaginal tissues.

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