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Essential Medical Tests for Women in their 40s

Essential Medical Tests for Women in their 40s

Life begins at 40! Live a healthier lifestyle by scheduling routine checkups that are tailor-made for your age.

They say life begins at 40 and at this point you’ve probably noticed some changes in your body. Your metabolism slows down, you feel some joint aches, and your memory may start to weaken. It’s time to give your body the medical attention that it deserves by undergoing tests that are recommended for your generation.

Get a mammogram

An x-ray picture of your breasts is called a mammogram. Women who have a family history of breast cancer are said to be more at risk, so make sure your doctor is informed of your medical background so he/she can determine how often you should get your mammogram. Remember the following before you get this done:

  • Don’t schedule a week before or while you have your period. Some pressure will be applied in this procedure so it’s best to get this test done when your breasts are not swollen.
  • Don’t wear any deodorant on the day of your exam because the residue may reflect on your test results.

Osteoporosis screening

Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men due to their lower bone density rate. Your risk factors greatly increase after menopause due to the decrease in estrogen in your body. A bone mineral density test can help detect the first signs in menopausal women. This test is not recommended for premenopausal women.

Get tested for Hepatitis C

Keep your immunization records updated. A simple blood test can determine if you have Hepatitis C and those who meet the following criteria should get tested:

  • People who were born between 1945-1965.
  • Current or former drug users who used needles to inject.
  • Had multiple sex partners.
  • Have HIV.
  • Received blood transfusion/organ transplant before 1992.
  • You are a healthcare worker, who’s been exposed to blood/other bodily fluids of those who are infected.

Keep your cholesterol in check

Your chances of getting heart disease greatly increase as you age. Get multiple tests done to determine your cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and blood pressure. Routine blood testing can detect early signs of diabetes, hypertension, and stroke.

Consider seeing a psychiatrist

Always keep an open mind about seeking psychiatric help. Your doctor may be able to help you understand your current mental state and properly diagnose some medical conditions linked to your age group like dementia, Alzheimer’s, and depression. Never take any form of a prescription drug without your doctor’s professional advice.

Undergo a colonoscopy

Slow metabolism may lead to constipation and other intestinal problems. A colonoscopy can help identify the symptoms of colon cancer, polyps, and other abnormalities in your large intestine and rectum. The best way to maintain good gut health is by eating a diet that’s rich in fiber which is usually found in whole grains, leafy vegetables, and fruits.

Get tested for cervical cancer

If you’re experiencing sudden bouts of pelvic pain and unusual vaginal discharge, your doctor may recommend a pelvic exam. During a pelvic exam, your doctor will conduct different tests like:

  • An external checkup of the vulva for irregularities like sores, swelling, etc.
  • The use of a speculum to open your vaginal walls to see the vagina and cervix.
  • A pap smear may also be performed which involves the collection of your cervical cells.


These assessments serve as accurate indicators of good health for most patients but your doctor is still in the best position to recommend which tests you need to undergo. Drinking, smoking, and obesity can lead to heart problems so try to stay active and eat a healthy diet. Regularly monitoring your vitals and reporting them to your physician can help him/her properly diagnose your condition.  

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