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Learning at Home with Kids Basic Tips and Tricks

Learning at Home with Kids Basic Tips and Tricks

Parents can help ease children into the current situation by providing learning opportunities at home.

Medically Inspected by: Loreta D. Dayco MD, Maria Christina H. Ventura MD

The coronavirus pandemic has changed how people live whether temporarily or permanently. Children are one of the most affected during this time since they are not able to attend regular classes and cannot meet with their peers. Luckily, kids have their parents like you who can help ease them into the current situation by providing learning opportunities at home.


Set a schedule

While the current situation has made significant changes to your daily grind, setting a routine for you and your child may help alleviate some of the stress. Take this opportunity to give your child extra time and attention by inserting a few learning activities during certain hours in the day. This will also help him/her have a schedule to look forward to every day. Explaining the pandemic to your child can be the first step, so you can help address anxiety that he/she may be dealing with. Open communication is a good foundation and can get you started in creating a new routine together.


Adjust to the new normal

For many families, children will be having their first day of school within their homes. This unprecedented time may cause stress for most, and that is understandable. While this may cause anxiety and birth pains at the beginning, there is still opportunity to adjust and get used to the new normal. Some ways you can help your child adjust to learning at home:

  • Set up a separate work area for your child if you can
  • Remove distractions from the vicinity: turn off the TV, keep mobile gadgets and games away
  • Be there to monitor your children for the first few days as they get used to learning remotely
  • Set aside time after their online class to discuss learning for the day, or any questions or help they may need from you


Improvise and learn along the way

Ask your child what or he/she misses the most from school and think of how you can bring a similar experience within the walls of your house. Here are a few simple tips:

  • Depending on your child’s age, children can also have an active role in accomplishing basic chores in your household. This helps them learn the value of responsibility while also keeping things organized at home. Start with small steps: feeding pets, cleaning up after eating, folding clothes, and putting their toys back inside their containers.
  • Create socialization opportunities for your child via online tools like calling family or friends. These modern tools can help maintain and build relationships while also staying within the comforts of your own home.
  • Solving puzzles or board games can also improve cognitive skills and is a fun opportunity to bond with your family.
  • Learn a new hobby or develop an existing skill like playing an instrument or dancing.
  • Baking or cooking can help develop your child’s ability to follow instructions. It’s also a great way to improve their math skills! Don’t forget to prepare healthy meals once in a while so you are assured that your family is getting the right kind of vitamins and minerals.
  • Have movie nights together. Watch an age-appropriate film and find time to discuss certain points about the story afterwards.


Creating learning opportunities at home doesn’t have to be structured, expensive, or difficult. Make use of what you have right now and take into consideration your child’s age as you set your individual goals together. Don’t forget that your personal well-being is also a top priority, so make it a habit to make time for yourself as well.


General disclaimer

Your doctor will always be in the best position to give the appropriate medical advice for your condition. For suspected undesirable drug reaction, seek medical attention immediately and report to the FDA at www.fda.gov.ph and UNILAB, Inc. at 8-UNILAB-1 or productsafety@unilab.com.ph. Always buy your medicine from your trusted drugstores and retailers.










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