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Know More About Your Baby's Kabag

Know More About Your Baby's Kabag

Kabag is common in babies and can easily be managed.

What is kabag /colic

Is your newborn iyakin? Babies will cry when they feel tired, hungry, too hot or too cold, are sick or in need of a diaper change. But prolonged, repeated crying — even when your baby is well-fed, clean, and healthy — may be due to kabag.

Kabag or colic is a natural condition experienced by babies three weeks to five months of age. It is caused by trapped air in the stomach (hangin sa tiyan) that can cause discomfort, pain, and irritation.

Watch out for these symptoms:

  • Intense crying, like baby is screaming in pain
  • Walang tigil or persistent crying for no obvious reason
  • Di mapatahan or difficult to console
  • Crying that happens same time every day, usually at night
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Restlessness and fussiness
  • Tense tummy and clenched fists

Babies aren’t the only ones that get kabag. Kids ages 2 years old and up can also suffer from bloating and gassiness or hangin sa tiyan. A child’s developing digestive system has yet to learn to effectively move gas through the digestive tract. Some causes of kabag in kids are:

  • Swallowed air - often caused by eating or drinking rapidly. Make sure that kids are eating in a relaxed manner. Crying also introduces more air into the stomach.
  • Intake of carbonated drinks/soda
  • Diet – most food that contain carbohydrates can cause gas.

How kabag affects baby and mommy

Kabag is relatively common in babies during the first few months of life. Though not considered harmful to the body, kabag can cause undesirable effects. Babies with kabag may experience:

  • Sleep disruption
  • Feeding disturbances
  • Sakit ng tiyan or stomach pain

Mommies, too, are affected by their babies’ kabag. Some may experience:

  • Guilty, exhaustion, helplessness or anger
  • Increased risk of postpartum depression
  • Early stoppage of breastfeeding


How to calm a baby with kabag

Moms need not worry about kabag as there are different ways to cope with it:

  • Try the magic hold

Position your baby so that the stomach rests on your forearm and the head is supported in the palm of your hand or the crook of your arm. Rock your baby in your arms.

  • Nice noise

A single sound, such as a recording of rain or even the hum of an electric fan, may help calm your baby.

  • Caring touch

Try giving baby a massage. Lay him or her tummy-down across your legs and gently rub his or her back to help release trapped gas inside the stomach.

  • Calm yourself

Don't let your baby pick up on your own anxiety. Take time to pause, relax and calm down. Then snuggle your baby and realize that you're the best person to comfort him or her.

  • Simeticone (Restime) to the Rescue

Simeticone (Restime) is a doctor-prescribed oral solution for kabag. It has two forms: oral drops for babies and chewable tablets for kids.

The Simeticone (Restime) helps combine trapped air bubbles together. It helps relieves discomfort and stress by making it easier for baby to flush out hangin sa tiyan. Unlike topical solutions, which are applied externally to “warm” the tummy, Simeticone (Restime) works directly inside the stomach to address the cause of kabag.

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

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