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Did you know that iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is considered as one of the most common forms of anemia in the Philippines?

Women’s Health

Did you know that iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is considered as one of the most common forms of anemia in the Philippines?

Local studies show that this type of anemia is one of the root causes of stunted growth in children and irreversible changes to fetal kidney and neural development.

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The recommended daily intake of iron for adults range from 12-28 mg, while pregnant/lactating women require more iron at 30-38 mg a day.

Women’s Health

The recommended daily intake of iron for adults range from 12-28 mg, while pregnant/lactating women require more iron at 30-38 mg a day.

Add red meat, eggs, seafood, and beans to your daily diet to help boost your iron levels. Consult your doctor about taking supplements if you have special health requirements (e.g. pregnant women).

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Iron deficiency anemia can be caused by a variety of both internal and external factors.

Women’s Health

Iron deficiency anemia can be caused by a variety of both internal and external factors.

Those with special dietary needs like vegetarians and pregnant women, and those with other health conditions such as celiac disease are likely to have IDA. Blood loss during heavy menstruation and internal bleeding can also put you at risk.

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