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How to Fight Colds During the Rainy Season

How to Fight Colds During the Rainy Season

Here are a few things you can do to avoid getting sick and quickly recuperate from its symptoms.

The common cold is one of the illnesses often associated with the rainy season. One reason behind this may be that the rhinovirus—the virus responsible for the common cold—thrives and spreads more readily at lower temperatures. Some studies have also shown that cold weather affects our immune system and weakens its ability to fight off sickness.

To better protect yourselves from colds as the rainy season ushers in, here are a few things you can do to avoid getting sick and quickly recuperate from its symptoms. 

Practice proper hand hygiene.

Because colds spread through viral infection, one common way to avoid getting infected and further spreading the virus is by frequent handwashing. Aside from proper hand hygiene, it is also advisable to avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes to prevent the virus from entering your system.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Staying hydrated by drinking water helps your immune system battle illness and ease nasal congestion. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks that might make you dehydrated, especially if your symptoms are more severe.

Take medications that manage the symptoms.

The common cold may manifest through sneezing, runny or clogged nose, and headache. Occasionally, it may also be accompanied by fever. Taking medications that target these symptoms may help alleviate the discomfort and pain from these warning signs. One such medication is Phenylephrine HCl + Chlorphenamine Maleate + Paracetamol (Neozep Forte), which contains a decongestant called Phenylephrine HCl, an antihistamine called Chlorphenamine Maleate, and an analgesic and antipyretic called Paracetamol. When taken every six hours, Phenylephrine HCl + Chlorphenamine Maleate + Paracetamol (Neozep Forte) helps to collectively relieve the symptoms associated with colds.

Try supplementing your cold medicine with vitamins.

On top of taking medications like Phenylephrine HCl + Chlorphenamine Maleate + Paracetamol (Neozep Forte), simultaneously taking multivitamins such as Multivitamins (Enervon) while you have colds may help you recover faster and get back to your regular routine with proper diet and exercise. Multivitamins (Enervon) contains Vitamin C which helps build one’s immunity against sickness with proper diet and exercise. Studies have shown that one’s supply of Vitamin C in the body quickly diminishes during an infection, further weakening one’s immune system. This further makes it ideal to take Vitamin C while an infection is ongoing.

Another study found that taking Vitamin C at the onset of colds—in addition to regular intake as preventive action—may reduce its duration. The same study also suggested that it is effective in relieving some of its symptoms, specifically fever, chest pain, and chills. While taking medicine for your colds, supplementing it with vitamins may help you relieve it faster than when you drink cold medicine alone.

Observing preventive measures is one way to protect ourselves from catching common rainy-day illnesses like the colds. In the event that we catch the common cold, taking the corresponding medicine like Phenylephrine HCl + Chlorphenamine Maleate + Paracetamol (Neozep Forte) can help alleviate their symptoms. For a faster and more complete recovery, Phenylephrine HCl + Chlorphenamine Maleate + Paracetamol (Neozep Forte) may be simultaneously supplemented with Multivitamins (Enervon) to further help reduce the duration of colds.

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor. 

General disclaimer

Your doctor will always be in the best position to give the appropriate medical advice for your condition. For suspected undesirable drug reaction, seek medical attention immediately and report to the FDA at www.fda.gov.ph and UNILAB, Inc. at 8-UNILAB-1 or productsafety@unilab.com.ph. Always buy your medicine from your trusted drugstores and retailers.


ASC Reference Code U188P072822NS

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