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Essential Health Tips for Travelers

Essential Health Tips for Travelers

Your health should always come first, even when you’re traveling. Frequent travelers should always pack a medicine kit for emergency purposes.

Your health should always come first, even when you’re traveling. That’s why you should be conscious of what you eat and practice good hygiene when you’re abroad. Frequent travelers should always pack a medicine kit so you’re prepared for anything.

Wear comfortable shoes

Forget about having the perfect outfit for each photo, comfortable shoes are always a must for every traveler. Running shoes that’s the right size, light, and breathable can make exploring the city more fun, not to mention they match most outfits for those who are always on the go. Meanwhile, walking around a different country or engaging in physical activities can leave your body sore. Stock up on some OTC pain relievers which can alleviate body pains and other minor aches.

Eat and drink moderately

It’s almost impossible to not overindulge yourself when you’re around a variety of different cuisines. Eating spicy food, drinking too many alcoholic beverages, and even smoking may result in hyperacidity. If there is a consistent backwash of acid in your throat or your stomach feels bloated, an antacid may help ease the symptoms of acid reflux.

Beware of unsanitary food/drinks

While it’s tempting to try all the street food and local dishes in front of you, you should observe how your food is cooked and served so you know if it’s safe to consume. No one wants to suffer from a bad case of traveler’s diarrhea while you’re out on the road or worse, on your plane back home. It’s good to have some anti-motility pills on hard to control and improve stool consistency.

Take your vitamins

Your immune system may be at its all-time low, most especially if you had a long flight. Boost your energy and protect yourself from infections by taking your trusted vitamins. Consult your doctor before taking any form of medicine so you know what is best for your lifestyle.

Bring a face mask

Needless to say, everywhere you go there will be germs and pollution in the air. Aside from your first line of protection that you get from your vitamins, a face mask may come in handy when you’re traveling. You are also prone to get other communicable diseases like cough and colds, so make sure that you are ready for the worst.

Get enough sleep

It’s an impossible compromise to get enough sleep and tick off all your to-do lists on your itinerary, but getting enough rest can actually go a long way during your travels. If you are well-rested, you feel more energized throughout the day compared to feeling cranky and suffering from headaches due to lack of sleep. If you are already feeling under the weather or if you’ve caught the seasonal flu, it’s useful to have some paracetamol in your medicine kit.

Exercise good hygiene

There may be some instances when you don’t have access to a proper restroom, so it’s a must that you have the essentials: isopropyl alcohol, wet wipes, and a trash bag for your rubbish. Having some bandages and other disinfecting agents can be of use, especially if you’re doing strenuous outdoor activities.

Respect the environment

Small things like having a personal trash bag help promote proper disposal of waste. A clean environment can help stop the spread of germs and other diseases.

General disclaimer: The medications listed above can be purchased without a prescription but you should always consult your doctor before taking any form of medication, including vitamins. Stop taking any kind of medicine should an allergic/adverse reaction happen. Always update your healthcare professional on all the medications that you are currently taking/taken in the past so he/she can properly prescribe the right kind of medicine for you.

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