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Common Summer Diseases: Causes and Treatment

Common Summer Diseases: Causes and Treatment

High temperatures can cause dehydration and heat stroke. Continue the summer fun with these safety health precautions.

Summer season is here and the kids and adults alike are out to play and enjoy the sunny days ahead. But did you know that some diseases are more common during the summertime? Find out how you can avoid and treat these diseases so you can spend your summer days outdoors and not inside the hospital


Suffering from the common cold is not exclusive to the rainy season. Some viruses and other bacteria thrive under the extreme heat of the sun, thus increasing your risk of infection. Germs are everywhere and it’s easy for you to spread it if you don’t practice proper hygiene. If you are already infected, consider wearing a face mask so you won’t pass on the virus to your family and friends. Always cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze and dispose your tissues in the right receptacle. Consult your doctor about taking cold medicine and stick to your prescription even if you already feel better.

Sunburn/Skin diseases

Playing all day under the summer sun can cause harmful sunburns all over your body. You may not even notice it during the first few hours but you may have already incurred intensive sun damage to your skin. Keep in mind that you should always apply sunblock on your entire face and body at least 30 minutes before swimming/sun exposure. Always have some medical cream on hand in case you develop any form of skin infection.


Traveling exposes you to various sicknesses which usually starts with a manifestation of a fever. High heat conditions can cause headaches and dehydration which can eventually lead to a fever. It’s always a good idea to pack your very own medicine kit (link to med kit article) which contains the essentials such as paracetamol, which helps alleviate the signs and symptoms of fever and other minor body pains.


Certain bacteria thrive when exposed to extreme heat during the summer season. Therefore, food items are more at risk and can cause a negative reaction to your stomach upon consumption. Loose bowel movement or LBM is more common during the summer because people are fonder of eating street foods whenever they are out of the country. Exotic dishes can also trigger hyperacidity and cause vomiting. The WHO Manual for the Treatment of Diarrhea can guide you in what you need to do in case you get dehydrated.

Heat stroke

Individuals who spend numerous hours outdoors are at risk of suffering from heat stroke. Other parts of the country can reach temperatures as high as 39 degrees which can be dangerous to your skin and cause serious sun damage. Stay hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water a day and try to avoid direct exposure to the sun.


Pimples may appear all year round but warmer temperatures can also cause excessive oil buildup which leads to acne. According to Mayo Clinic, acne arises when your skin is clogged with oil or bacteria. Popping your pimples will not do you any favors as this may lead to skin infection. Visit your dermatologist if you see any unusual lesions on your skin.

Keep in mind that you should always consult your doctor before taking any kind of medication, even vitamins. Your doctor will be in the best position to recommend what kind of medicines you should take for your condition. Consumers should also strive to purchase their medications from trusted pharmacies and other small drugstores to ensure the authenticity of their products.

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