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8 Great Health Tips for Women of All Ages

8 Great Health Tips for Women of All Ages

An empowered woman cares for her health.

Women are always searching for ways to improve their lives, often spending money on expensive yet ineffective products on the market. Living a healthy lifestyle comes naturally through daily exercise and a balanced diet. Here are some tips especially made for women and their discerning health needs: 


1. Do a routine self-breast exam

Breast cancer affects millions of women around the world, with 3.1 million cases in the US alone. A cost-free and effective way of detecting the onset of breast cancer is by conducting routine self-breast exams. Of course, your doctor would still be in the best position to give you a proper diagnosis, so don’t forget to schedule annual medical appointments.  

2. Take care of your body

The most common mistake that most women make is giving in to fad diets. Weight loss isn’t always an indicator of good health but excessive weight gain is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Your skin is your biggest organ, pamper your body by using the right products for your skincare products.

Get up and move! Daily exercise promotes good health and boosts your happy endorphins. Schedule that morning gym session before going to work to gear up for the day ahead.  

3. Packed lunch is the secret to success

Snack on nuts, preferably pistachios, walnuts, and almonds which are rich in B vitamins. Add nuts to your salads or cereals to improve its nutritional content. Eat food which is rich in fiber for breakfast like whole wheat oats to avoid the occurrence of hunger pangs in the afternoon.

Prep meals which contain healthy nutrients that will satisfy your daily needs. Avocados, nuts, and olive oil are rich in healthy monosaturated fat (MUFA) which helps reduce your cholesterol levels.

Boost your immune system with vitamin C, as well.  

4. Monitor your menstrual cycle

Your menstrual cycle says a lot about your health’s current state. Changes in your menstrual flow may be an indicator of an underlying sickness.

Sudden weight loss and weight gain may affect your monthly cycle, exercise regularly to avoid drastic changes in your body mass. Excessive physical activity can also affect your overall health.

A missed period doesn’t always result in pregnancy as breastfeeding may also delay the return of your monthly visitor.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common endocrine system disorder, can also cause problems for you and your body. Consult your doctor if you suspect that you have this condition.  

5. Avoid too much stress

Stress is the ultimate source of all your body’s problems. Make it a habit to relax and unwind when you can and learn how to do basic yoga or simple meditation. Low stress levels = normal blood pressure.

Stress also contributes to acne. Seek the best skin care routine that suits your skin type. Always consult your doctor taking any form of medication.  

6. Get annual checkups, pap smear, mammograms

Some women wait until they feel pain before visiting their doctor, do not be one of them. Schedule your annual appointments in advance and stick to the dates.

Women are more prone to developing certain cancers such as as breast cancer they grow older like , cervical cancer, and skin cancer. Pap smears are recommended every three years for women aged 21 and up, while mammograms are recommended every two years for adults aged 40 and above.  

7. Avoid developing bad habits

Smoking causes several kinds of cancers and other terminal diseases. Frequent smokers become highly dependent on nicotine and most likely have bad oral health and can possibly affect fertility.

Excessive alcohol intake can lead to serious illnesses; say no to happy hour drinks and opt for one glass of wine instead.  

8. Drink dietary supplements specially formulated for women

Along with proper diet and exercise, consider taking dietary supplements prescribed by your doctor like vitamin E.

Pregnancy or past pregnancies may cause several changes in your body like iron deficiency anemia. Ask your doctor about the proper diet and the need for iron supplements.  


ASC Ref. Code: U155P040318U  

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