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8 Essential Medical Tests for Women in Their 30s

8 Essential Medical Tests for Women in Their 30s

Women in their 30s will have slower metabolism, are at higher risk of getting cancer, and other illnesses.

Women in their 30s are at their most critical years in terms of medical health. At this age, you will have slower metabolism, develop a higher risk of getting cancer, and other illnesses connected to your general reproductive health. Thanks to advanced medicine, women now have access to comprehensive tests specifically designed for different life stages. Women in their 20s, however, have different medical needs and these 8 essential medical tests are helpful. 

Undergo a thyroid test

If you’re experiencing sudden changes in mood, sleeping habits, cholesterol level, and unexplained weight gain, your thyroid may be in a questionable condition. A simple blood test can determine if your thyroids are either overactive or underactive.  

Go for that pelvic exam

You should be knowledgeable about the importance of pap smears by now and a pelvic exam is a similar procedure. While a pap smear is still needed at your age, a pelvic exam can give a thorough evaluation of your overall gynecological health. It’s also one of the best ways to rule out suspected medical conditions such as ovarian cysts.  

Schedule a clinical breast exam

A self-breast exam is one of the best ways to spot any unusual mass in your breasts, but at this age, you will need a complete evaluation by your doctor. Estrogen levels in women who have not given birth are usually higher so this increases their risk for breast cancer. Ask your doctor about how often you should get a mammogram.  

Test yourself for skin cancer

Aside from cervical and breast cancer, women are also prone to getting skin cancer. Tanning beds and excessive exposure to the sun on a daily basis are the top causes of melanoma. Common signs of melanoma are often changes in an existing mole or a development of unusual-looking pigmentation on your skin. If you’re exhibiting any symptoms of melanoma, your doctor may perform a biopsy test of your skin sample to give you an accurate diagnosis.  

Monitor your iron levels

Iron is a very important mineral that helps produce healthy red blood cells. Iron-deficiency anemia is more common in pregnant women and new mothers. Eating iron-rich food like red meat, seafood, and dark leafy vegetables are recommended for people with iron deficiency anemia. If you’re experiencing shortness of breath and unexplained fatigue, take a blood test to determine your iron levels. Consult your doctor before taking any dietary supplements.  

Get tested for STD/HIV

Getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases is nothing to be ashamed of so go to your nearest clinic if you notice anything unusual down there.  

Diabetes screening

Make it a habit to undergo diabetes screening to keep your cholesterol and blood sugar levels at bay. Your body isn’t as young as it used to be so it’s understandable if your metabolism starts to slow down. Make exercise a habit and cut off your vices.  

Have an eye exam

All that time in front of your laptop may already be taking a toll on your vision. It is recommended to get an accurate diagnosis from an ophthalmologist before buying a pair of glasses. Don’t go to the doctor if your eyes are tired from lack of sleep, strained from working, or if you’re jetlagged for this will greatly affect your diagnosis.  

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