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7 Steps To Dealing with Workplace Anxiety

7 Steps To Dealing with Workplace Anxiety

Spending long hours at the office can lead to high levels of anxiety.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has linked unfavorable work conditions to physical and mental problems. This makes sense since you spend approximately nine hours at your workplace—so your environment may determine your overall morale and productivity. Local psychologists have confirmed that those with mental problems may be diagnosed with high-functional depression since they refuse to confront the underlying cause of their emotions. Is your workplace causing you to feel anxious on a regular basis? Read on to learn more on how you can manage anxiety in the workplace.

Communicate effectively

It is essential to acknowledge and fully understand what you are going through in your workplace since chances are it can also affect your job performance and personal life. According to the Anxiety and Depression of America (ADAA), 7 out of 10 adults carry over their stress to their personal relationships, mainly to their spouses. Only 40% of employees consult their employers out of fear that it may affect the way their bosses see them as professionals, hinder them from getting promotions, or out of fear that it would be documented on their files. Speak to your trusted colleagues or friends and family who can help you with the process of understanding your feelings. Consult a health professional if needed.

Avoid triggers

Recognizing what causes your anxiety can greatly help with your recovery because the more you avoid the issue, the more it can affect your daily life. Acceptance is always key and workplace anxiety is more common than you think. Work-related stress is usually triggered by deadlines, toxic colleagues, staff management, and last-minute problems/issues.

Get organized

Practice being a self-starter when it comes to your projects at work since this can give you a head start on things so you can avoid cramming later. Keep a neat and tidy desk so you are able to think more clearly instead of going through piles of paperwork. Try to maintain a to-do list so you can manage your time and energy throughout the week—it also feels good to tick-off accomplished tasks!

Practice healthy work habits

You will, later on, learn that it is okay to say no since your health should always come first. The first step to doing this is managing the expectations of both your bosses and colleagues. Ask for help when you need it and never overcommit to a task if you know you cannot do it alone. Take the time to sit back and relax, savor small victories and recognize team effort.

Create boundaries

Although it may be hard to achieve the perfect work-life balance, you can always start small by not taking your work home with you. Studies show that workplace related anxiety can lead to increased absenteeism so it is important that you take a break once in a while. Consider taking some time off to be with your family and recharge.

Stay fit and healthy

Men are more likely to develop bad habits like taking illicit drugs while women tend to eat more to ease job stress. Avoid the usual unhealthy coping mechanisms like drinking more caffeine, smoking, and drinking alcoholic beverages. Consider exercising or taking up some new hobbies instead to divert your mind off anything work-related.

Be open to change

Your employer may suggest some changes in your daily grind in order to help you with your anxiety like reducing your workload. Do not take this as a sign of distrust since small improvements can significantly improve your work environment. Ask around if your company offers programs and other seminars which can help you manage your workload more efficiently.


If you feel that you are suffering from a mental condition, seek support from your family and trusted friends. Book a session with a psychiatrist who may be able to guide you through your recovery process. Never take any form of medication without the proper prescription of a health professional. There are also hotlines where you can seek out support from professionals or if you simply need someone to talk to like HOPELINE (02) 8804.4673; (0917) 558.4673 or 2919 for Globe subscribers.

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