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Reco to change to: Healthy Asian child powered by vitamins and minerals

6 Vitamins and Minerals Which Can Boost Your Child’s Health

Upgrade your family's nutritional needs with these essential boosters.

Your children might be missing out on the required nutrients to develop into healthy adults. Learn more about the necessary vitamins and minerals that your child needs today.

Parents all around the world are experiencing the same problem: feeding picky eaters. Children eating less nutritional foods may be at risk of nutritional deficiencies which can lead to growth problems. Since there are specific vitamins that cannot be naturally produced by humans, your kids will rely on good and proper nutrition from their daily food intake. Don’t worry, it’s easy to incorporate these vitamins and minerals into your child’s diet, provided that you know where to get them. Read more about it below.  


Kids need to drink about 2-3 cups of milk daily to get the right amount of calcium for strong bones and teeth. This mineral can also be found in cheese, yogurt, and greens like kale and broccoli. Fortified food like tofu, cereals, and soy beverages also contain generous amounts of calcium for your kids to enjoy.

Vitamin A

This antioxidant boosts your kid’s immune system and promotes good eyesight. Vitamin A can be found in yellow and red vegetables, spinach, kale, liver products, and dairy.

Vitamin B

B vitamins like biotin, vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, and niacin are important for a healthier metabolism. Vitamin B assists in the production of red blood cells by carrying enough oxygen throughout your body. This can be found in whole grains, seafood, eggs, and meats.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient that gives your child a healthy immune system. It helps your child produce collagen that results in healthy bones, teeth, and skin. This water-soluble antioxidant also gives your child the nutrients that he/she needs for brain development. Vitamin C can also be found in citrus fruits, potatoes, broccoli, red/green peppers, and tomatoes.

Vitamin D

Aside from calcium, vitamin D is also responsible for stronger bones and the prevention of common bone diseases like rickets and osteomalacia (soft bones). Kids can naturally get more of this essential vitamin from healthy sun exposure, salmon, tuna, and mackerel.


A diet rich in zinc allows your child to have healthier skin, good metabolism, and resistance against free radicals. Humans cannot naturally produce zinc; however, this mineral can be found in ingredients like meat, fish, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

Ask your pediatrician today about giving your child daily supplements. Click here to learn more about our vitamins for kids of all ages.

Always keep in mind that a healthy lifestyle that combines a balanced diet and an active exercise routine is one of the best ways to keep your family healthy.

General disclaimer

The medications listed above can be purchased without a prescription, but you should always consult your child’s doctor/pediatrician before letting them take any form of medication, including vitamins. Immediately stop medicine intake and take your child to the nearest hospital should an allergic/adverse reaction happen. Always update your healthcare professional on all the medications that your child is currently taking/taken in the past so he/she can properly prescribe the right kind of medicine for him/her.

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