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5 Ways to Control Candy Chaos

5 Ways to Control Candy Chaos

Sweet treats can lead to not so sweet endings.

The term “sweet tooth” is used to describe dessert enthusiasts, but too much of the good stuff can lead to that dreaded hospital trip. How can you avoid the harmful effects of candy chaos? We list down a few tips to help you keep your teeth and gums in shape.

How to control candy chaos

Brush and Floss Those Pearly Whites

You should always remember to the basics of dental health care and hygiene. Choose a toothbrush with soft and thin bristles to get to the dirt in between your teeth and use floss and mouthwash to get to those hard-to-reach areas. It may seem like an obvious routine to do, but there is a surprisingly a large number of adults who neglect these basic steps.

Pace Yourself

It is best to regulate your daily sugar intake. Sugar builds up on your teeth and causes plaque and acid—which chips away at the enamel of your teeth and may lead to tooth decay.

Choose Healthier Alternatives

If you are craving for something sinful for dessert, try switching the usual sugary treats with natural food items such as fresh fruit or yogurt. If you are craving for chocolate, opt for dark chocolate since it has lesser amounts of milk, fat, and sugar.

Quit the Habit

Smoking and drinking can also affect your oral health and fast track the process of tooth decay. Alcoholic beverages usually contain high amounts of sugar which can weaken and damage the enamel of your teeth. Cigarette smoking also contains harmful chemicals like nicotine which may cause tooth and/or gum discoloration. It is best to seek help in quitting these vices.

The Dentist is Your Best Friend

Make sure to schedule (and attend!) dentist appointments at least twice a year to address basic oral concerns. Your teeth are some of the strongest bones in the body but is also the most exposed to outside elements that can cause damage to it.

To help combat toothache pain before and after seeing your dentist, mefenamic acid tablets like Dolfenal 250 can help give you relief. Mefenamic acid works by changing the body’s chemical response to pain, swelling, and fever, resulting in relief of symptoms of inflammation (e.g. swelling, redness) and relief of pain.

General disclaimer

The medications listed above can be purchased without a prescription but you should always consult your doctor before taking any form of medication, including vitamins. Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine. Your doctor will be in the best position to give the appropriate medical advice. For suspected undesirable drug reaction, seek medical attention immediately and report to the FDA at www.fda.gov.ph and UNILAB, Inc. at 8-864522-1 (8-UNILAB-1) or productsafety@unilab.com.ph. Always buy from your trusted drugstores and retailers.

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