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5 Tips to Stay Productive Despite the Flu

5 Tips to Stay Productive Despite the Flu

No sick leaves left but you're down with the flu?

The flu is a seasonal problem for most workplaces, most especially during the cooler months of the year. Another factor which adds to the problem is the central air-conditioning which is common in office buildings. While the cool air may be good for escaping the excruciating heat outside, it can pose a threat to your health since it may encourage viruses to circulate within your space. Most employees rough it out and go to work despite having the flu, therefore putting themselves at risk of developing more serious symptoms.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) discourages premature visits to the emergency room unless your illness is considered as an emergency. Coming down with the flu does not require immediate medical attention but it’s important that you manage early symptoms like:

  • Fever
  • Cough/colds
  • Body aches
  • Stuffy/runny nose
  • Fatigue

Not all employees take advantage of their sick leaves so they don’t miss out on important deadlines so most individuals still show up for work even if they are sick. Learn more about how you can stay productive at the workplace without spreading the flu to your coworkers.

1. Cover your mouth

  • Using a face mask may not be a common practice here in the Philippines but it is an excellent way to limit the release of infected respiratory droplets. Try to develop the habit of coughing/sneezing into your elbow to minimize the contamination of your hands. If you spare your coworkers from getting sick, then you may just save your team the unnecessary work backlog due to unforeseen absences/leaves.

2. Rest when you can

  • According to a study, young workers aged 18-34 years old are more likely to work overtime and weekends compared to workers aged 35 and above. In the same survey, 55% of the respondents said that they still report to work even if they are sick (usually with the flu). If taking a sick leave is not an option, grab the opportunity to rest during your lunch breaks. Consider skipping meetings/seminars which do not require your participation. Try to avoid procrastinating at work and learn how to manage your time so you won’t have to stay during after-hours.

3. Hydrate

  • Always have your water bottle within arm’s reach most especially when you are sick. Keeping yourself hydrated may help alleviate your flu symptoms—not to mention it’s an essential factor in your overall health.

4. Focus on your work, not on the flu

  • It may be hard to follow this tip but channeling all your strength (or what’s left of it) to your tasks instead of the flu may help get through your day despite your cough and colds. Explore productivity apps and hacks if you need to.


General disclaimer: Your doctor will always be in the best position to give the appropriate medical advice for your condition. For suspected undesirable drug reaction, seek medical attention immediately and report to the FDA at www.fda.gov.ph and UNILAB, Inc. at UNILAB-1 or productsafety@unilab.com.ph. Always buy your medicine from your trusted drugstores and retailers.

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