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5 Tips to Make Meal Times Fun for Kids

5 Tips to Make Meal Times Fun for Kids

Is your child a picky eater? Learn new ways to feed your family.

Feeding time for your kids may prove to be difficult and can be quite frustrating for most parents. Psychologists may attribute this kind of behavior to “basic biology” since children, in general, are born preferring foods which are sweet and salty. As a result, kids are expected to reject the idea of eating any new dish which tastes like anything that’s unusual for their palate. Parents shouldn’t worry about picky eaters since children eventually outgrow this phase and there are surprisingly easy ways where you can improve mealtimes with your little one.

Let him/her help in the kitchen

You may be able to change your child’s perspective of meal times when you give him/her a small role in preparing dinner. Studies suggest that if you take the time to carefully prepare your meals with your child then this may positively influence his/her food preferences. Of course, you should incorporate healthful ingredients to your dishes such as fruits and vegetables so your child can eventually develop a liking to these foods instead of unhealthy, ready-to-eat meals.

Schedule meal times with the entire family

Set a definite timetable for meal and snack times so your child can learn to stick to a schedule. Ensure that there are no distractions while you’re eating at the table such as tablets and television. Spend quality time with your family during meal times to create a positive eating environment for your children. Shared meals are said to encourage mindful eating in children which may help decrease the chances of child obesity.

One dish for everyone

Children should learn how to eat what their parents eat at a young age. Kid’s meals at restaurants are usually made with fatty ingredients which include nothing but sugar and empty calories. Opt for healthy dishes rich in vitamins and minerals so your child can learn to appreciate foods which are not processed or fried. If your child sees that you are enjoying your meal for the night, then he/she may develop a liking to the same dish as well.

Incorporate fun into your meals

Kids like to play all day to the point that they wouldn’t want to leave their toys even if they are already feeling hungry. One way to stimulate your child’s appetite is to get creative with your food preparation like mixing in some colorful veggies and toppings. Sprucing up your child’s plate by making it visually appealing to him/her may change his/her perspective about eating.

Distract them

Mastering the art of distraction can benefit both you and your child since it decreases the tension brought about by crying and bargaining at the dinner table. Create an optimistic atmosphere by distracting your child into eating his/her food by praising them when they deserve it. Maintaining a neutral tone while talking to your child during meal times is said to produce the best results.

It is important that children get the nutrition that they need from the food that they eat. If you feel that your child is not getting enough vitamins from his/her plate, consult your doctor about the right supplements like Tiki-Tiki for your child.

General disclaimer: The medications listed above can be purchased without a prescription but you should always consult your doctor before taking any form of medication, including vitamins. Stop taking any kind of medicine should an allergic/adverse reaction happen. Always update your healthcare professional on all the medications that you are currently taking/taken in the past so he/she can properly prescribe the right kind of medicine for you.

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