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5 Tips for Healthy Ears

5 Tips for Healthy Ears

Regular ear cleaning using cotton swabs is a common malpractice that can do more harm than good for your health.

Medically Inspected by: Loreta D. Dayco MD, Edilberto B. Garcia Jr. MD, Maria Christina H. Ventura MD

Ear hygiene is one of the most underrated self-care practices. What most people do not know is that regular ear cleaning using cotton swabs is a common malpractice that can do more harm than good for your health. Read up on some of the basic steps in cleaning your ears today.

Keep your ears dry

Moisture in your ear is always bad news for you since this can lead to bacterial growth. Make it a habit to dry your ears with a clean towel after taking a bath or swimming so you can clear out any water that may have entered inside.

Do not put anything inside

Cottons swabs or metal tools designed to “scoop out” ear wax can potentially damage your ear canal which can lead to infection or even permanent damage. No matter how careful you might be, you can still accidentally poke the delicate parts of your ear or unintentionally push back ear wax inside. The WHO states that “the ear is a self-cleaning organ and does not require any active cleaning” and discourages the use of cotton buds for cleaning the inner ear. Although it is generally okay to use ear buds to clean the outer parts of your ear, it is still best to consult your doctor on safer methods to clean your ears (if needed).

Keep the volume low

Regulate the volume of your media devices. Listening to loud sounds or having your earphones plugged in to your ears at all times can cause hearing loss. Modern smartphones and music devices have a built-in feature that sends you a warning if your music is too loud, so try to use this feature to your advantage. Take breaks in between listening sessions to minimize damage to your ears.

Have your ears tested

If you are often exposed to noise or are hearing unusual ringing sounds (tinnitus) in your ear, then it might be a good idea to get a hearing test. Consider using earplugs or similar devices that can protect your ears from loud sounds. Any sudden changes in your hearing should be properly diagnosed by an ENT specialist.

See a professional

If you are experiencing pain or spot any discharge from your ears, then it is time to consult a specialist like an otolaryngologist or an ear, nose, throat (ENT) physician. Wax buildup and ear infections are quite common, most especially in children and those who regularly engage in water sports and related activities. Do not use any herbal remedies and avoid self-medicating as this can do your more harm than good.

It is never too late to get rid of your old habits when it comes to ear care. Give you ears the right care that it needs to function well and to avoid hearing loss. Ask your doctor about best practices and/or available treatments that can minimize your chances of suffering from ear infections.


General disclaimer

Your doctor will always be in the best position to give the appropriate medical advice for your condition. For suspected undesirable drug reaction, seek medical attention immediately and report to the FDA at www.fda.gov.ph and UNILAB, Inc. at 8-UNILAB-1 or productsafety@unilab.com.ph. Always buy your medicine from your trusted drugstores and retailers.


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