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5 Tips for Better Sleep

5 Tips for Better Sleep

Getting enough sleep results in increased energy and productivity. It also helps improve heart health and boosts your immune system.

Did you know that how you feel during the day has a lot to do with how well you sleep at night?

The importance of quality sleep

When was the last time you got a full eight hours of sleep? Getting enough sleep results in increased energy and productivity. It also helps improve heart health and boosts your immune system. And needless to say, it does wonders for your mood. But for one reason or another, not everyone gets enough sleep. Women, especially, tend to get less sleep compared to men. Even for women who do not have to take care of children, levels of estrogen—which promotes sleep—drop during menstruation. The good news is that you don’t have to settle for feeling tired all the time. While there are no cookie-cutter solutions for everyone, you can take steps to find out what works for you. Here are some tips you can try to help improve your sleeping habits.

1. Stick to a fixed sleep schedule.

Sleep experts agree that this is one of the best ways to improve your sleep. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning, including weekends.

2. Take note of your sleeping habits.

Keep a sleep diary and monitor everything sleep-related—what time you went to bed, how long it took you to fall asleep, how much sleep you got, your mood during the day, etc. Comparing your daily activities can help you identify patterns where you need to make adjustments.

3. No caffeine after 2PM.

This means no more coffee, tea, and soft drinks after this time. Why? Caffeine is a stimulant that stays in your system for around 8 hours. So when you have a soda during dinnertime, it can prevent you from entering a deep sleep, or keep you from falling asleep right away.

4. Spray a sleep-inducing scent on your pillows.

Certain aromas such as chamomile, lavender, and ilang-ilang help you to relax and sleep more soundly. Take a few drops of your favorite essential oil and mix with water in a spray bottle. Then, spray the mix on your pillowcases and sheets.

5. Keep the room dark.

Light signals the brain to be awake, so even the small glow from your phone or gadgets can pass through your closed eyelids and wake you. Keep your room as dark as possible, including your gadgets.

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