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Growee Syrup


Is tall good enough?

Society always seems to regard height as an advantage in life and it’s hard to disagree.  After all, tall people usually excel in sports and tend to stand out in a crowd.  There have also been claims that taller people are smarter, more productive, more successful and happier.  It’s no wonder parents want their children to grow up tall given all the advantages height brings. But is height really enough?  Is stature the only thing we should consider? How about strong bones and muscles, don’t they have a lot to do with health as well?


There is a strong correlation between height and muscle strength. BioMedCentral, a research publisher online, shared a study that revealed the direct relationship between height and the strength capacity of children.

The test helped described equations for predicting strength of handgrip, and the flexion and extension of elbows and knees.  It was observed that height is a major explanatory variable for muscle strength. It reveals the direct relationship between body height or physical maturation, and the strength generation capacity of children. The relationship between height and strength detailed by this data also emphasizes the need to adjust nutritional intake during periods of growth.


When it comes to height, bone structure is something we should also consider. Bones are the framework for a child’s growing body and that’s why it’s important that bones develop well to achieve full growth potential. 

According to a study supported by the Association Française contre les Myopathies (AFM) archived in the U.S National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine, “Even if peak bone mass is largely determined by our genes, there are lifestyle factors — such as diet, supplements and exercise — that can influence whether we reach our full bone mass potential or not.” Childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood are the times when we can significantly increase our peak bone mass through nutrition and exercise.

Especially important is making sure we get enough calcium and Vitamin D. Calcium is an essential mineral for babies and young children to ensure they are able to grow strong bones and teeth. Because our bodies need Vitamin D to absorb calcium from our diets, getting enough Vitamin D goes hand-in-hand with getting enough calcium.

In fact, young children who do not get enough Vitamin D are at risk for rickets, a disease that can cause bone and muscle weakness, bowed legs, and other skeletal deformities.  Furthermore, a research paper by Dra. Emaluz Parian indicates that “Vitamin D has a major role in maintaining calcium and phosphorus homeostasis and bone health” which lessens risk of bone fractures and related injuries.  Findings also suggest that sufficient Vitamin D intake in childen may prevent growth retardation.

The amount of calcium and Vitamin D that a young child needs increases with age. So making sure that your child has strong bones gives him a better chance at achieving height.

So as parents, how do you ensure your child achieves his or her maximum growth potential given all the factors involved?

It’s important to keep children active because physical activities help increase bone mineral density (BMD). When your kids have a healthy BMD, they are less prone to fractures, weak bones, and body pains.

Parents must also monitor their child’s ideal weight relative to their height.  Being underweight decreases bone mineral density. So maintaining your child’s healthy body weight is important.  Calcium is an essential building block of bone health, so make sure you also fill his diet with food and beverages that are rich in calcium.

It is also essential to supplement a child’s balanced diet and active lifestyle with   vitamins.  A good ingredient to look for is Vitamin D which helps the body maximize its absorption of calcium.  In itself, it is scientifically proven to help speed up growth and help strengthen bones and muscles. A study on the classic and novel actions of Vitamin D also revealed that the active metabolite of vitamin D, also known as calcitriol, regulates not only calcium and phosphate homeostasis but also cell proliferation and differentiation, and has a key a role to play in the responses of the immune and nervous systems.

Vitamin D helps ensure height is always complemented by a strong body. While exposure to healthy sunlight may help, vitamins such as GROWEE® syrup are readily available to help ensure your child gets 100% of the daily recommended Vitamin D intake.

Indeed height is something every parent wants for their child.  A lot of factors are involved, including genetics, but there are steps we can take to ensure that every child gets the chance to reach their maximum growth potential.  It is important to always remember though that growth is not limited to how tall you can become, because what’s also equally important is how strong you can be.

ASC Reference Code: U099P060320GS

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