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Don't let tooth pain ruin your daily schedule. Act on it right away with the help of Mefenamic Acid - learn more here.

Medically Inspected by: Ma. Carla D. Sibulo, MD

It’s a no-brainer that your teeth play vital roles in breaking down and digesting the food you eat daily. Although you can protect your pearly whites by brushing and flossing your teeth properly and by not eating too many sweets, there may come a time when you have to deal with tooth pain or toothache.

Cavities, tooth injuries, tooth decay, and tooth infections are known causes of discomfort in this part of the body. This type of pain often manifests as a stabbing, throbbing, or frequent discomfort in the affected area. In some instances though, people will only notice the pain when pressure is applied on the affected area. 

Nevertheless, tooth pain can definitely disrupt your daily routines because of the discomfort it brings, especially if you have a low pain tolerance. 

But today is not the day to be bothered by tooth pain because you can definitely address it right away! While there are many choices available for toothache relief, you can rely on Mefenamic Acid to address the pain you’re dealing with.

Learn how Mefenamic Acid works as a valuable addition to your health arsenal for tooth pain relief with this read.

How Does Mefenamic Acid Work for Tooth Pain?
Mefenamic Acid is one of the most recommended pain relief methods for toothaches, mainly because of how it works inside your body. First, it is important to understand that Mefenamic Acid is a type of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). 

In general, NSAIDs target the effects of the Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes. These enzymes are linked to the production of substances called prostaglandins that may lead to intense pain and inflammation if present in large amounts and left unchecked.

Taking an NSAID like Mefenamic Acid won’t just “block” the mentioned enzymes but also inhibit the production of pain-causing prostaglandins. NSAIDs may help target the root cause of inflammation and pain within the body to reduce discomfort and provide long-lasting relief.

Mefenamic Acid vs. Tooth Pain: What Studies Say About It
Researchers have sought to better understand how mefenamic acid can work against tooth pain and other forms of dental discomfort. The good news is, the results of some studies surrounding this medicine have been promising. Here are some of them: 

  • Against postoperative tooth pain: Authors of one study noted that a single dose of Mefenamic Acid helped address moderate to severe postoperative pain in patients who underwent a third molar extraction, among other procedures. 
  • Against postoperative inflammation: In another study, patients responded well to Mefenamic Acid after undergoing a tooth extraction and experiencing inflammation.

    Among the 20 patients who took Mefenamic Acid before and after the procedure, 9 reported no pain, 7 noted mild pain, and only 4 experienced moderate pain. As for the other group of 20 patients who took the said medicine only after the operation, 3 reported no pain, 8 noted mild pain, and 8 experienced moderate pain.
  • Against root canal failure and infections: Researchers discovered that Mefenamic Acid can help provide antimicrobial and analgesic effects against harmful bacteria strains.

These results show Mefenamic Acid’s potential in fighting pathogens that may cause root canal failure, tooth infections, and potentially, tooth pain and discomfort.

Trust This Mefenamic Acid to Help With Tooth Pain Relief
Hopefully, these benefits linked to Mefenamic Acid convince you to take this medicine in case you deal with tooth pain, or even other types of discomfort for that matter.

Get back on track from sudden tooth pain and continue your day as productive as you intended it to be — take Mefenamic Acid (Dolfenal)®, the Most Doctor-Prescribed Mefenamic Acid. In as fast as 15 minutes, Bilis-Relief na Subok na! Subok ng Marami, Subok for 36 years at Subok ni Dok! - Dolfenal®!

Mefenamic Acid (Dolfenal®) helps target mild to moderate discomfort by working as a pain reliever. It is useful for people struggling with dental or tooth pain, headache, post-operative pain, postpartum pain, and even dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia. 

Plus, Mefenamic Acid (Dolfenal®) may help provide relief for people dealing with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or other musculoskeletal and joint disorders. 

Mefenamic Acid (Dolfenal®) is recommended for adults and adolescents 14 years old and above. The ideal dose of this medicine is one (1) tablet every eight (8) hours, as needed, or as directed by your physician. As much as possible, do not take this medication for more than seven (7) days unless directed by your doctor. 

Mefenamic Acid (Dolfenal®) is available online and in leading drugstores nationwide. 

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

ASC Reference Code U0169P080223D



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