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Conzace 2025

Immunity is Sexy

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Today, sexy means so much more than just having jaw-dropping curves in your body. People acknowledge and use the word in a more holistic way. Sexy is having both beauty and confidence to make every person in the room pay attention to you. It is having the confidence to go out unafraid of getting sick. It is seeing how your healthy skin and hair radiate with their natural glow. Now who wouldn’t want to feel sexy, right? But how? Where should we begin?

Start with a solid foundation

Most would probably expect answers like skin care vitamins, regular exercise, proper diet, or even tips on the best supplements for glowing skin. While those indeed contribute and are undoubtedly essential, most would be surprised if we tell you to start by having strong immunity. In fact, scientists studying human evolution have long theorized that people deemed as “good-looking” may be healthier.

It is backed by science

Recent studies published by the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences found a link between immunity and facial attractiveness. The research found that those viewed to be more physically attractive had higher rates of phagocytosis of E. coli bioparticles, higher basophil counts, lower neutrophil counts, greater NK cell cytotoxicity, and slower rates of S. aureus growth in plasma. While these terms may be daunting for some, all these simply mean that their immune system works better compared to others. As a result, they have visibly healthy skin and hair which helps improve their attractiveness.

Make it a habit

Immunity is the foundation of feeling sexy. After all, with immunity comes confidence, and confidence is beauty. With a balanced diet, proper exercise, and regular intake of Multivitamins+Mineral (Conzace), you can help boost your immunity by 140% (vs. non-use). One of the main benefits of Multivitamins+Mineral (Conzace) is having the combined powers of Zinc, Vitamins A, C, and E to help with strong immunity and healthy skin and hair, with proper diet and exercise. So start making this a habit to help you discover a healthier and more confident version of you, with proper diet and exercise. Hopefully, when you look in the mirror and see the difference, you’ll also see that immunity is indeed sexy.

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

ASC Ref. Code U0041P050824C

Discover the Sexy Side of Immunity