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Breakthrough in Treating Cough: Carbocisteine plus Zinc

Breakthrough in Treating Cough: Carbocisteine plus Zinc

Learn more about this innovation by Unilab!

Did you know cough is usually a sign of a weakened immune system? Zinc levels are low, which leaves one vulnerable to infection and may prolong recovery period.


Drinking lots of fluids and getting enough rest are recommended when recovering from cough. Stay indoors or wear a mask when going outside to prevent spreading the virus. It is also recommended to wash your hands often using soap and water.

If symptoms persist or if you are having a hard time expelling phlegm, your doctor may prescribe a mucolytic like carbocisteine. It is a known mucolytic that is proven to effectively make phlegm less sticky and easier to cough up and expel.

Zinc and cough

Aside from carbocisteine, medical journals also studied how zinc supplementation can also reduce the incidence of acute respiratory illnesses. Zinc helps boost immune function and reduces the risk of infections. Studies show that patients who had adequate zinc levels in their bodies suffered from shorter bouts of pneumonia and fewer days of antibiotic use.

What is Solmux Advance

Carbocisteine + Zinc (Solmux Advance) is a breakthrough combination of a mucolytic – that effectively expels phlegm with bacteria, and zinc – to aid in boosting one’s immunity. The combination of carbocisteine and zinc aids in the faster recovery from cough in 1.5 days when taken orally, one tablet every 6-8 hours or as prescribed by your doctor. Solmux Advance is available in all leading drugstores and retailers nationwide at only P13.00 per capsule. Fast-forward recovery with Solmux Advance!

For 75 years, Unilab has had the privilege to care for Filipinos’ health even through the most trying times. This responsibility drives the company to continuously innovate to meet the evolving needs of Filipino families nationwide. Solmux Advance is one of the company’s ways to deliver on its promise of bringing new, more effective innovations to people who need it most, today and for years to come.

General disclaimer

Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine. Your doctor will be in the best position to give the appropriate medical advice. For suspected undesirable drug reaction, seek medical attention immediately and report to the FDA at www.fda.gov.ph and UNILAB, Inc. at 8-UNILAB-1 or productsafety@unilab.com.ph. Always buy from your trusted drugstores and retailers.

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