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8 Essential Medical Tests for Women in Their 20s

8 Essential Medical Tests for Women in Their 20s

Your 20s are the best years to prepare for your life ahead.

One of the biggest mistakes that most young adults make is assuming that they are healthy just because of their age. What you don’t know is that your 20s are the best years to prepare for your life ahead. While these are the years when you feel that no illness could touch you, you are very wrong. As a young woman in your 20s, you should educate yourself about what your evolving body needs to stay fit and healthy.

Schedule that annual physical exam.

Regardless if your company requires you to get checked every year, an annual physical exam should always be at the top of your schedule every year. You don’t have to avail yourself of the executive packages, a simple blood work, x-ray, and physical exam will suffice to check your overall health condition.  

Make sure that your vaccination records are always updated.

As you grow older, some childhood vaccinations may have already worn off. Get the booster shots that you need and ask about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine which helps protect you against cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers.  

Make exercising a habit.

Forget that expensive gym membership, jogging around your village is free and gets the job done. Look up easy exercise videos so you don’t have to invest in bulky gym equipment. Use proper running shoes and always consult a professional before doing any form of lifting weights. If your cholesterol levels are up or if you feel that your sugar levels are high, undergo a lipid blood test.  

Have yourself tested for STD/HIV

If you’re sexually active or have had multiple partners over the past years, you need to get tested for possible sexually transmitted diseases. Orient yourself about common STDs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, HPV, and herpes so you can identify symptoms early on.  

Ask your doctor about skin cancer.

Aside from going to your dermatologist for your usual pamper session, ask serious questions about skin cancer. This type of cancer is the result of excessive exposure to harmful UV rays. Incorporate the best sunblock to your skin care routine so you’re always protected from the sun. If you spot an unusual mole on your body, bring this up with your doctor and submit yourself for testing.  

Get your first pap smear.

Getting a pap smear is recommended for women aged 21 and up, regardless if you’ve experienced your first sexual intercourse or not. A pap smear helps doctors detect inflammation in the cervix which is usually an indicator of cervical cancer. Consult your doctor on how frequent your tests should be so you can plan accordingly.  

Check your breasts for lumps and irregularities.

Breast cancer affects millions of women around the world, with 3.1 cases in the US alone. A self-breast exam can possibly help detect early onset symptoms of breast cancer. Look for sudden changes like breast shape, lumps, dimpling, or milky fluid coming out of the nipple.  

Visit your dentist.

Good oral health promotes strong teeth and fresh breath. Regular flossing, drinking enough fluid, and not smoking can also keep your pearly whites strong and healthy. Save yourself from the embarrassment of halitosis and cavities by scheduling a dental appointment today.  

Find a good multi-specialty clinic.

Look for a multi-specialty clinic that can serve your medical needs. A good clinic should be able to a variety of patient-care services.   ASC Ref. Code: U150P040318U  

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