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Find out how allergy symptoms can affect productivity.

On busy days at the office or at home, it’s vital that you put your best foot forward, so you can accomplish all the tasks in your to-do list. However, there are instances when you may suddenly deal with allergies and symptoms linked to them such as irritation in your nose or eyes, or even frequent sneezing.

Unfortunately, these symptoms can be disruptive to the point of having your workflow and output negatively affected. Researchers discovered in a 2018 study, that the onset of allergic rhinitis may negatively affect the quality of someone’s work. 

If you’re the type of person who doesn’t want to be hampered by distractions and strives to be productive each day, watch out and be one step ahead of allergies. Some of the common indicators of allergic reactions that may impact your workflow include:

  1. Sneezing
  2. Itchy nose
  3. Runny nose and/or watery eyes
  4. Dry and persistent cough
  5. Rashes
  6. Shortness of breath
  7. Fatigue
  8. Headache
  9. Nausea and vomiting

However, seek medical attention immediately if the following symptoms occur: 

  1. Wheezing
  2. Chest or throat tightness
  3. Breathing or talking difficulties
  4. Skin rashes that are itchy, red, and/or swollen
  5. Swelling in the mouth, face, lips, tongue, or throat
  6. Low blood pressure
  7. Changes in heart rate
  8. Dizziness and/or fainting
  9. Loss of consciousness

These may already be indicators of a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction, or what’s known as an anaphylaxis. 

Sources: Mayo Clinic, (2021), Anaphylaxis. American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. (N.D.). Allergy Symptoms, Mayo Clinic. (2022). Allergies. National Health Services. (2022). Allergies. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. (2018). Impact of Rhinitis on Work Productivity: A Systematic Review

Why Do People Struggle With Sneezing and Allergy Symptoms?

You may think that issues like itchy or runny nose, watery eyes, or sneezing every morning happen randomly, but sadly that’s not the case. You experience these due to allergens in your surroundings. Examples of allergens include:

  • Pollen, dust mites, and animal dander or fur
  • Mold
  • Food such as peanuts, soy, shellfish, eggs, and milk
  • Insect stings
  • Medicines such as penicillin or penicillin-based antibiotics
  • Latex or other substances

Once allergens make their way into your body, your immune system reacts by producing antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies aim to combat the allergens that are disrupting your body. The allergens then bind to IgE, and at this point some cells will release chemicals like histamines which trigger allergy symptoms.

If you’re unsure of what’s causing these allergic reactions or want to resolve the symptoms once and for all, you can consult an allergist or immunologist. They can help you learn more about the cause of the symptoms and suggest medicines or remedies to address them.

Sources: Medical News Today. (2020). Everything you need to know about allergies. Mayo Clinic. (2022). Allergies. Makati Medical Center. (N.D.). Allergology & Immunology.

How an Antihistamine Helps Resolve Cause of Sneezing, Itchy and Runny Nose, and More

Say hello to productive days when you address the underlying causes of allergy symptoms like itchy and/or runny nose and sneezing. Make sure you’re ready with a sneezing, runny nose, or itchy nose remedy like Cetirizine Dihydrochloride (Alnix®).

It contains 10 mg of cetirizine dihydrochloride that helps prevent histamines from forming within the body and lessen the risk for onset of allergy symptoms. Cetirizine Dihydrochloride (Alnix®) may help resolve symptoms  like rashes, watery eyes, runny nose, itchy nose and sneezing,

More importantly, Cetirizine Dihydrochloride (Alnix®) may work in as fast as 20 minutes, and won’t cause drowsiness and dizziness unlike other anti-allergy medications. 

Adults and children over 12 years old are advised to take one (1) tablet of Cetirizine Dihydrochloride (Alnix®) once a day, or as recommended by your doctor.

Cetirizine Dihydrochloride (Alnix®) is available online in Lazada or Shopee, and in leading drugstores nationwide. 

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

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