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Telling them apart is key to getting the right relief.

Colds and allergic rhinitis are often confused with each other because of the similar symptoms they share. However, they are different cases that actually need different treatments. Taking the wrong medication for colds and allergies might result to persisting symptoms and lack of relief.

We have here a quick rundown of what sets colds and allergic rhinitis apart. Because the first step to getting the right remedy is knowing what makes them different.


They come from different sources.

Simply put, colds is commonly caused by viruses while an allergy is the immune system’s response to triggering substances or allergens. That said, it’s important to note that a cold is contagious while allergic rhinitis is not.

Treating the common cold often calls for a good rest and taking decongestants. On the other hand, dealing with allergic rhinitis is more about blocking the histamines that are causing the allergic reaction.

Source: Healthline. (2019). Is It allergies or a Cold?


If it goes on repeat, it may be allergies.

Sneezing and runny nose from a common cold will usually go away as soon as your colds are gone. But with allergic rhinitis, these symptoms may keep repeating as long as your triggers are present. Or as long as you don’t take the right relief for your symptoms.

It’s also worth noting that if you happen to experience the same set of symptoms during a specific time of the year, it may be seasonal allergies.

Common household allergy triggers include:

  • Animal dander
  • Accumulated dust
  • Pollen from indoor plants

Source: Harvard Medical School. (2018). Is It A Cold or Allergies?


The severity of their symptoms differ.

Colds and allergic rhinitis may share common symptoms but the difference lies in their intensity. Colds often come with flu-like symptoms while allergic rhinitis rarely does

Watching out for these differences can make it easier for you to tell colds and allergic rhinitis apart.

Symptom Cold Allergy
Cough Usually Sometimes
Bodily Aches and Pains Sometimes Never
Fatigue Sometimes Sometimes
Itchy Eyes Rarely Usually
Sneezing Usually Usually
Sore Throat Usually Rarely
Runny Nose Usually Usually
Fever Sometimes Never









Source: Mayo Clinic. (2018). Cold or Allergy: Which is it?


If it’s allergic rhinitis, nix it the right way.

Once you’ve identified if what you’re experiencing is common cold or allergic rhinitis, the next step is finding the right relief. Lots of allergy sufferers try to ease their allergy symptoms using medicine for common cold but this doesn’t help address the symptoms spot-on.

For allergies, an anti-histamine like Cetirizine Dihydrochloride (Alnix) can help relieve symptoms. Cetirizine Dihydrochloride (Alnix) eases allergic rhinitis’ repeating symptoms by blocking histamine, the chemical that kickstarts sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose.

Cetirizine Dihydrochloride (Alnix) gives fast-acting, all-day relief that starts working in as fast as 20 minutes—allowing you to go on about your day uninterrupted by allergy symptoms. Nix allergy only with doctor-prescribed Cetirizine Dihydrochloride (Alnix).


If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
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