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Did you know that it can slow you down by 25%?

If you’re among the people who often choose to leave their allergic rhinitis untreated, learning about its hard toll on your overall productivity may help change your mind.

Allergic rhinitis can be a big hindrance to your job and other daily activities like housework and even exercising. Imagine having to lose time for the things you need to do just because you couldn’t stop sneezing and tearing up on repeat.

In this article, let’s talk about the different implications of allergic rhinitis to your productivity. And how to do something about it so you can seize your days better.

Allergies can downsize your productivity at work.

Allergic rhinitis is a prevalent chronic health concern that can affect your capacity. The repeating symptoms of allergy may get in the way of doing your job especially if it requires you to communicate with people.

Meetings and phone calls may be especially difficult when you’re suffering from runny nose, sneezing on repeat, and watery eyes. No one wants to sound and look awful while doing business.

Studies done on the effect of allergic rhinitis to work productivity show that people who suffer from it experience an average of 25% drop in their overall performance. If you’re tending to uncomfortable allergy symptoms, it’s really going to take a toll on how you do your job.

Source: Crown et. al. (2000). The Cost of Productivity Losses Associated with Allergic Rhinitis


The complications of allergic rhinitis can also factor in.

It isn’t always just about the repeating allergy symptoms per se. Sometimes, the serious complications of allergic rhinitis can be your hindrance to a productive work day.

Getting nasal polyps, sinusitis, or ear infections from allergic rhinitis will not only result to reduced productivity, they may call for leave of absences as well.

Source: Wayne et. al. (2001). The Impact of Allergies and Allergy Treatment on Worker Productivity


You’re losing so much just from not addressing your symptoms right.

Whether you’re leaving your symptoms untreated or you’re taking the wrong medications for it, not nipping your allergy symptoms in the bud can cause delays and losses on your part.

From substandard work outputs, decreased man hours, and unaccomplished checklists—your allergies can really make it hard for you to seize your days.


Don’t let repeating allergies interrupt your work day.

Allergy symptoms are indeed a letdown but they don’t have to keep being a nuisance to your hard work and productivity because you can do something about it!

Addressing the symptoms by taking an anti-histamine is the best way to go. And don’t worry! There are allergy medications that won’t give you daytime drowsiness.

Cetirizine Dihydrochloride (Alnix) is an anti-histamine that gives fast-acting, all-day relief that starts working in as fast as 20 minutes. Make the most out of your work day, and stay quick on your feet when you nix allergy only with doctor-prescribed Cetirizine Dihydrochloride (Alnix).


If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
ASC Ref. No. U095P090720AS

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