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Fight Body Pain Away, Win Your Day

Fight Body Pain Away, Win Your Day

Out of all the many options on how to relieve body pain,
choose the one that can fight it right away, right from its source.

Everyone’s done it at some point: You pushed yourself too hard at the gym, sit for long periods at the office desk, or even hopped through one bus from another and endured long commute hours. The next thing you know, your body is experiencing pain.
But still, you need to do your duties, finish your deadlines, and keep on performing. That’s why no amount of body pain can stop or delay you. With all the available options to relieve the pain, it’s important to find the one that works best for your body. 
Here are some of the common ways to get rid of body and muscle pain: 
Ice massage
Cold treatment reduces inflammation by decreasing blood flow. It also numbs sore tissues, acting as a local anesthetic, and slows down the pain messages being transmitted to the brain. Ice can help treat a swollen and painful joint or muscle. But note that ice should not normally be applied directly to the skin. 
Heat pad
Heat works by helping your muscles relax, which can alleviate both pain and stiffness. Applying heat to your muscles or joints also encourages circulation and blood flow to the area, which can reduce pain. 
Natural remedies
Allowing your muscles to heal by taking a rest is a common practice. Some people just sleep on the body pain, for they believe that muscle pain is their body’s way of saying they need a rest. While others do these home remedies:

• Drinking warm water mixed with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar—for it is known as the miracle cure’ with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
• Mixing turmeric powder to a glass of hot milk. Turmeric is known to have natural healing properties that help fight body ache and boost immunity.
• Eating a healthy and balanced diet.
• Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.
• Meditating or taking a warm bath before sleep. 

Staying active
Studies find that gentle exercise or stretching can relieve muscle soreness as long as you don’t overdo it. It’s also important to maintain doing this regularly and avoid sudden stop. For instance, if your arms are sore from trying a new workout routine, take a walk—this still counts as an exercise. 
Taking a pain reliever medicine
Pain relievers work by lowering the amount of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. These cause the feeling of pain by irritating your nerve endings. So if you have less, you’ll feel better. For days when stopping from what you’re doing is not an option, take Ibuprofen + Paracetamol (ALAXAN® FR). It has Fast Relief formula that works in as fast as 15 minutes against body pain. 
When to seek medical help?
• If your body pain doesn’t go away for too long
• If your muscle and body pain arises frequently without any cause
• If there’s fever accompanied by body pain.    

If your body pain hasn’t cleared up within a week or more, it’s time to visit your doctor. It is important to understand the underlying cause of your body and muscle pain, since leaving it untreated may lead to long-term damage to your body. 
Always remember, you’re the one who understands your body the most. Learn to listen to it, embrace what works best for you, and never ignore the pain when there’s a fast way to win over it. And once you’ve mastered how to defeat body and muscle pain, anything is possible. 
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.  
ASC Reference Code: U038P062220AS 


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