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Take the Pain Away from your Daily Commute

Take the Pain Away from your Daily Commute

For some of us, commuting is a part of life. But body pain doesn’t have to be. Know how to make commuting easy for your body.

A study found out that 43% of Filipinos find commuting as an inconvenient experience. Yet, they have to do it every day. Some of the factors that add to the hassle of commuting include an uncomfortable transportation system, traffic congestion, expensive fares, and difficulty in finding parking. Sometimes, the transport system runs smoothly, but other times, it is a cause for unnecessary aggravation.  
Yes, daily commute might be the most stressful part of our every day. But, it doesn’t have to be painful for your body too. Most importantly, it will never be an excuse for you to stop taking action towards your goals. 
Consider making some of the following changes to your commute habits:

Small movements can make a big difference
Help keep your joints mobile by doing some simple exercises and stretches such as gently rotating your ankles, lifting your knees, extending your legs and rolling your shoulders. You can do them anywhere—whether you’re standing while waiting for the bus or sitting in the car. 
Be conscious of your standing posture
How are you standing as you wait on the van or bus terminal? The best standing posture is with your weight balanced on both feet and with knees and shoulders relaxed. In this way, you will reduce the stress on all of the joints in your body and alleviate pressure on your spine. 
Mind your sitting habit
If you sit while commuting, slouching is possibly the worst postural habit for you. Slouching back in your seat strains your neck, shoulders, and lower back. It also compromises your breathing. Instead, sit on your sitting bones. That’s what they are there for. 
Care about what you carry
How much are you lugging around and how do you carry it? An easy way to get painful back and shoulders is by carrying a bag or a purse that’s heavy, oversized and weighing you down on one side. To keep your body balanced, opt for a backpack or a cross body bag so that the weight stays equally distributed over the both sides of your body. 
Stop bowing down to your mobile phone
How you use your mobile phone during your commute has a huge impact on your body alignment. Looking down at your phone with your head forward adds strain and pain to your neck muscles and cause your shoulders and upper back to round forward. Start holding your phone up at your eye level, allowing your arms and mid-back muscles to do the work.  
Change your commute
You may not be able to move house or invent a new mode of travel. But think about what you could do to reduce the time you spend sitting or standing still while getting from point A to point B. One of the easiest things to do is get off the bus one or two stops ahead, and walk. Or you can also try cycling to work once week.  
Take a pain reliever with you
Commuting to and from work every day can have a profound effect on the body. Over time and without the right care, this can lead to long term joint and muscle damage. Don’t ignore your body pain. Always bring a pain reliever with you, like Ibuprofen + Paracetamol (ALAXAN® FR). It has Fast Relief formula that works in as fast as 15 minutes against body pain. Always carry a pain reliever with you especially when you are on-the go. For your commute rides, do you have time to re-apply topical solutions? Bring with you Ibuprofen + Paracetamol (ALAXAN® FR). It has Fast Relief formula that works in as fast as 15 minutes against body pain and is doctor-prescribed as it helps relieve body pain fast. 
At the end of the day, commuting can take a toll on one’s mental and physical well-being. But by owning these simple reminders to help you deal with your commute experience with ease, nothing can hinder you from performing your best at work and arriving successfully at your desired goal. 
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.  
ASC Reference Code: U149P061121AS 


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