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Standing Tall Against Leg Pain

Standing Tall Against Leg Pain

Discover tips on how to stand tall against leg and feet pain so you can keep moving
towards your goal for the day.

If you are one of the many people whose work requires standing for long hours, you may always experience pain in the legs and feet. While you may not be able to change the nature of your job, there are some things you can do to overcome the pain and continue on succeeding at what you need to do for the day. 
To stand tall against leg and feet pain, try these simple tips: 
Wear the right shoes
It might sound counterintuitive, but shoes with flat soles aren’t the best for prolonged standing. For men, choose a pair with heels elevated by at least ¼ of an inch. For women, if high heels are unavoidable, try putting a gel pad inside to relax your feet. Heels that are too high and shoes that are too tight can cause cramps, numbness, and premature muscle fatigue. 
Take time to stretch
Stop once an hour to stretch. Calf raises are a simple way of relaxing and lengthening your tightened muscles. 
Stay hydrated
To avoid fatigue from dehydration, keep a water bottle within your reach. 
Or, you may try these home remedies to help your feet recover from long hours of standing and prepare them for next day’s work: 
Apply ice on your feet
Dipping your feet in a bucket of iced water for 20 minutes can relieve the pain and fight the swelling caused by prolonged standing. This is recommended for those without vascular problems in the lower limbs. 
Massage your feet
You can roll your feet (from heel to toe) over a bottle filled with cold water. This will relax your tightened foot muscles and will aid in your feet’s quick recovery. 
Elevate your legs
You can do this by lying on your bed and placing your feet against a wall or on a pile of pillows so that they are propped above the rest of your body. This will help your feet recover from the swelling faster. 
Take a pain reliever
You can pop over-the-counter pain reliever like Ibuprofen + Paracetamol (ALAXAN® FR). It has Fast Relief formula that works in as fast as 15 minutes against body pain. Ask your local pharmacist about it. 
Knowing these tips and home remedies, there’s no need to endure leg pain. Now you can rise up from the pain and stand tall and face today’s challenges! 
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.  
ASC Reference Code: U177P061820AS 


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