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Frequently Asked Questions on Alaxan

Pain Medicines

Frequently Asked Questions on Alaxan

Frequently asked questions on Alaxan: benefits, proper intake, no undesirable effects, price

What is Ibuprofen+Paracetamol (Alaxan FR) for?
Ibuprofen+Paracetamol (Alaxan FR)  is for the relief of body, muscle & joint pain. Other pain can include arthritis, flu pain, severe headache, dysmenorrhea & toothache. Follow the proper dosage: take once every 6 hours, and don’t take for more than 10 days.

May I take Ibuprofen+Paracetamol (Alaxan FR) with an empty stomach?
It is strongly recommended that you take Ibuprofen+Paracetamol (Alaxan FR)  after eating or with a full stomach.

Is it safe to take Ibuprofen+Paracetamol (Alaxan FR)?
As with other medicines, you have to follow the proper dosage and guidelines. According to the Ibuprofen + Paracetamol (Alaxan FR) Patient information leaflet: “Ibuprofen+Paracetamol, when taken with the recommended dose and duration of treatment, has low incidence of undesirable effects. No serious undesirable effects have been reported to date. Only minor allergic type reactions such as skin rashes which are expected with other NSAIDs….” Read here for more info on this.

What is the price of Ibuprofen+Paracetamol (Alaxan FR)?
The suggested retail price of Ibuprofen+Paracetamol (Alaxan) Tablet and Ibuprofen+Paracetamol (Alaxan FR) Capsule is PhP8 SRP.

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
ASC Ref No. U144P051922AS

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