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Free Yourself from Arthritic Pain

Free Yourself from Arthritic Pain

Understanding that arthritis isn’t just for the old is the first step in triumphing over arthritic pain.

Living with arthritis is a challenge. You may just be standing in the middle of a crowd, sitting in a cold office, or trying to get out of bed first thing in the morning – but before you know it, pain arises from your joints. All of a sudden, ordinary tasks seem too difficult to do, owing to pain felt in one’s fingers, hips, knees, feet, or back. 
To better understand arthritic pain, here are some facts about it: 

Fact #1. Arthritis affects both young and old.
Most people believe that arthritis is an old person’s disease and that it is entirely consequence of aging. This is one of the biggest misconceptions about arthritis. Truth is, regardless of age group, anybody is susceptible to joint pain. 

Fact #2. Gout is a form of arthritis.
Gout is characterized by repeated flare-ups of intensely painful swelling, resulting from a build- up of uric acid in the fluid around joints. The culprits behind gout? One’s genetic disposition or the consumption of too much meat, seafood, fructose-sweetened drinks or alcohol. It pays to eat in moderation! 

Fact #3. Arthritis can lead to other diseases if not properly treated.
Understandably, people fear the worsening symptoms of arthritis. Over time, one’s range of motion becomes compromised. Healthy habits like daily exercise eventually become a burden, and in the absence of physical activity, there will be a higher risk for diabetes, heart conditions, and obesity. 

You don’t need to let arthritis overtake your life. As soon as you notice early warning signs, visit your doctor immediately. And to manage arthritic pain, you need to do few lifestyle changes and minor commitments, like the following: 
Get moving
One of the most tried-and-tested joint pain remedies, exercises that focus on increasing flexibility, endurance, and strength have been found to benefit those with arthritis. So go ahead and break into a sweat. Your joints will thank you. 
Maintain a healthy weight
What arthritis sufferers lose through body fat, they gain in relief. When excess fat is trimmed off through a good fitness and diet program, it reduces the load and pressure on joints. 
Try warm water therapy
When pain hits, soothe the affected area with a warm towel. You can also soak the area in warm water for 20 minutes. Warm water therapy loosens and relaxes muscles, joints, and the entire musculoskeletal system. 
Get a massage
Not only will you feel more relaxed, massaging joints reduces pain and stiffness, and improves your range of motion. You may have it done by a physical therapist that has experience in managing arthritis. 
Choose the right medication for you
There are many options available for arthritic pain sufferers. First-line defense include: analgesics that reduce the feeling of pain, but do not address joint inflammation; and NSAIDs(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which specifically target inflammation.The recommendation would be to look for a pain medication that puts these pain-soothing and anti-inflammatory properties together. One quick way of managing arthritis is by taking an over-the-counter pain reliever, like Ibuprofen + Paracetamol (ALAXAN® FR). It has Fast Relief formula that works in as fast as 15 minutes against body pain. 
So, go on and take control. With your indisputable determination to be productive and succeed on your day, you won’t let arthritic pain hold you back. Armed with the right knowledge and proper pain management, you can handle arthritis and resume on your daily grind in no time. 

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
ASC Reference Code: U172P061820AS


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