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Back off, Back Pain!

Back off, Back Pain!

Did you know? Back pain is the most common type of body pain. Here’s how you can beat it.

Back pain is commonly caused by muscle strain. This is because the bones in our spinal column are held in place by muscles and ligaments. Putting stress on these soft tissues or stretching them too far causes tears. The result: weak tissues and muscles that lead to back pain. 
It can be in a form of a Frozen Shoulder, or the pain in the shoulder that limits your range of motion or capacity to stretch. Upper Back Pain, the sharp and stabbing pain when you lift a grocery bag or after steadily sitting in your desk for long hours. And the most common of them all—Lower Back Pain, the throbbing and dull pain you feel when you carry something very heavy, or something that you experience as you age. 
Aside from poor posture, you may also get back pain from some everyday activities like: 
    • Over-stretching in the morning or during workout
    • Lifting something heavy improperly or carrying it for too long
    • Standing or sitting (without taking a break) for long hours
    • Long driving sessions without stopping, even when not hunched
    • Sleeping on a mattress that doesn’t support the body properly 
Thankfully, back pain can be managed with the right treatment and these easy back pain solutions: 
Cut the discomfort
Within 24 hours of feeling back pain, use an ice gel pack to slow down blood flow to reduce pain and swelling. For recurring pain, use heat therapy to improve blood flow and lessen stiff joints. 
Strengthen the spine
There are several ways to do this. Core-strengthening exercises help not only the back, but also the abdominal muscles, hips, and buttocks. Yoga is another option. At work, perform simple neck exercises and practice good posture. 
Recover muscle strength
Adequate rest helps heal pain, but you can also take a potent pain medication to manage symptoms. Consider taking over-the-counter medication like Ibuprofen + Paracetamol (ALAXAN® FR). It has Fast Relief formula that works in as fast as 15 minutes against body pain. 
Keeping these back pain management hacks in mind, now you can finish strong with your daily activities minus the bothersome pain in your back. Because by saying no to recurring back pain, you can say yes to many job-well-done starting today! 
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.  
ASC Reference Code:  U117P062520AS



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